Quote Originally Posted by McGinty View Post
If I needed the cash for a better opportunity I would join you in selling, but I'm finding it difficult to find any good stories on the NZX (in this current market) to justify selling just yet.

8.5% for holding for a few more months is a better return than the bank.
I agree with you McGinty, not only holding a few months will pay you an extra 8.5% on todays closing price if this present offer goes ahead but there is also a chance of an improved future offer.

I think MVN has changed for the better, it has a new building it operates in and increased efficiencies which are only starting to show now.
MVN also has a very energetic management team.
I talked to the operational manager at the last AGM, he said that he could triple production with adding only a few employees and no extra factory space.
I will be sorry to see it leave in NZX before it can show it's potential.