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  1. #4
    Advanced Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Anyone interested in this should do some reading on the results of this enquiry .

    Its probably been a generation since anyone in Aussie saw the property market go backwards by a decent magnitude. It used to scare me a few years ago those property programs when you saw an auction .The parents go along with the kids , their limit is 600K , they pull out of the bidding and the father goes and pays 700K for a 2 bedroom concrete unit ....
    " son you've just got to get into the market it only goes up " ...Never any worry about how they would pay the increased debt ..... The review above found at one bank something like 40 % of all loan applications did not have the expenses section filled in ....There is a huge amount of interest only debt rolling off the next 2 years that has to goto P&I , that could be the catalyst for selling now as presumably some of those million dollar mortgages on P&I are not affordable .
    If you want a good book on what can go wrong when property turns sour "The bank that broke the bank " about Westpac in the late 1980"s and the period Kerry Packer took a 10 % stake in the bank , not a bad read.
    Got a long way to play out yet this property cycle .....
    Last edited by stoploss; 16-12-2018 at 04:58 PM. Reason: add link


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