Quote Originally Posted by bull.... View Post
nz is way behind countries like canada , australia in cannabis research , even the us has just passed the farm bill legally allowing hemp production. i think alot of companies in nz will just be jumping on the band wagon hoping to make a quick buck

i favour a legalised pot industry run , taxed and dispensed by the govt myself. growers can sell to the govt and private companies are left to make money from the medical side of things.
I tend to agree, what commercial advantage would any of these companies have over the incumbant large producers? I feel is going to be another hyped ag industry which will leave a small amount of people in the $$$ (mostly taken from investors) and a whole lot burned.

As an aside, there is a few farmers in South Canterbury looking into incorporating hemp as a rotation crop. NZyarn have got the gear on order to process and spin the fibre