Quote Originally Posted by alundracloud View Post
E-mail from me & the response from Harmoney below, re. arrears......

Thank you for your email.

There was a display issue with the syncing of the front and back end display. This affected the status for certain loans on populating/updating on the front end display (from your lender account). The team had made the appropriate changes which had fixed the issue.

The correct showing status is correct. Please note, that this is only a display issue and there is no actual cash movement affected. The operations team have an actual view of the backend system to reflect the live status of loans and I can assure you that investors have been paid correctly.

I hope this clarifies things.

Kind regards,
Yikes...that is a beautiful email. It should be framed. I know I often have front-end and back-end display issues! I don’t always know what is displayed either! Hopefully however I don’t have a team of people having a good view of my back end...

Still none the wiser if the arrears figure are correct but at least they are aware that their back end is not always in sync with their front end.