Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
Lucky it didn't lose a cent for every post from the non-holders today! I guess the market is a bit more ambivalent about the situation and the risks, might have seen a bargain in the overreaction from yesterday.
Quote Originally Posted by BlackPeter View Post
Well yes, but look at all this growth:

Liquid mild: Not much margin in that, particularly given they sell it as one of the supermarket house brands. Added revenue - sure, but earnings growth? Hardly;

Talbot cheese: Not particularly profitable either - and anyway (looking at the revenue) just peanuts ...

Lactoferrin: Yes, sometimes highly profitable - and sometimes not. World market price of lactoferrin looks similar to a rollercoaster over time: huge ups and downs, not really something you want to rely on for sustainable growth. And lets face it - while lactoferrin is an for mammals essential protein and a component of the immune system, I don't think that there is any evidence that eating (or drinking) additional lactoferrin removed from the milk it was in is really beneficial. Price is driven by hype, not by need ... but than, sometimes hype rules the world.
OK - I obviously realise that some people here are desperate to spread fear and generally love to emphasize anything which could be interpreted as bad news. I hope you have fun ...