The thing is, not every investor is a big investor with a huge bucket of funds to invest. Some of us are insignificant investors on the grand scale of things. We are simply trying to make the best of what money we do have, rather than watch it depreciate in the bank. People like me, want and need dividends because DRIP is the number one way we can build up our shareholding. Of course down the track we hope to make a capital gain should we ever decide to sell, but that’s not our focus. I get that for people like you, that seems ridiculous, but it works for me. I’m sure there are many other very small investors out there who it also works for.

Having said that, even for big investors there are proven advantages of dividends, as others here are pointing out, but you seem hell bent on trying to prove them wrong. Why does it bother you? If you don’t like dividends don’t invest in companies that pay them. It’s not rocket science.

Quote Originally Posted by SBQ View Post
When i'm investing $ into any company, I want a return that GROWS my investment and not a return ON my investment. Know the distinction? I don't want dividends in my hand that takes out the control of my investment because i'm stuck with that income. I much rather choose when I want the income by selling the portion of the shares when needed (and thus, realising the tax free capital gain).