Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
Be a great way to get rid of Bridges though, the trend is down with him around. But who to replace him with. Collins the smiling assassin has far too much baggage(dirty politics, Oravida etc). Wannabe Mark Mitchell does not present well and was a sniper( i think) in previous life. Bennett is playing a smart game totally loyal but when the time comes she will have a pick me flag up but won't make the first step, she will get someone to nominate her, kick and scream and pounce on it if offered.. goldsmith, kaye woodhouse options?
If there is a change in National leadership, and that is not a sure thing by any means, it is looking like Ms Collins the front runner.

Baggage? Ha, beltway non-issues and in any case lost in the mists of time. She won't care a jot. Very popular in her electorate too.

NZ's Iron Lady. Smart, experienced, articulate, a lawyer and a tax expert as well!