Nearly 15 years ago, 5th post in on this thread is me admitting to owning some MFT.
As I recall I was poor in those days and owned 3,300 shares bought for about $6,360 including brokerage.

If I still owned them they would be worth $131,340 (a 20 bagger) plus a lot of dividends (the last year $0.56 a share, which is not bad when you bought them for about $1.93 each).

I must have kept them through the GFC when the share price shed more than 50%, but somewhere along the way I sold them for about $10 each and have thus missed out on a compound 24% plus annual return over those 15 years.

Not bought back in since, always thought they were too expensive.

There is a lesson or two there.

Disc: Do Your Own Research & Make Your Own Decisions