Neither party is perfect. Neither party has all the answers. All we, as voters can do, is open our minds at election time, listen to each party’s policies, observe their leaders and decide for ourselves which party has the most positive offering - for us as individuals, for our families and for NZ as a whole. If we have a brain, we don’t blindly support one party simply because that is the party we have always voted for. As I’ve said, I’m a swinging voter. Always have been and always will be. If, at the next election, I feel Labour has not performed the way I had hoped they would, or their policies no longer meet my needs, I won’t vote for them. But right now, I am happy enough with how they are doing.

I don’t expect them to consult with us over every decision. I wouldn’t expect National too either. Between elections I expect them to make responsible decisions for the good of the country. So far, I am ok with most of the decisions they have made. The status quo in this country has not been working. We need to start thinking outside the square in many areas. Labour right now is at least attempting to do that, so I am willing to give them a chance.

In the mean time I will add you to the “let’s agree to disagree” list, because this discussion is, for the most part, pointless

Quote Originally Posted by BlackPeter View Post
Hmm - with all due respect, but I think you should open the other eye ;

CGT - the government realised that the voters will remove them if they go ahead with their CGT plans ... that's not doing the right thing because they wanted to, this is just avoiding the cull ...

I don't remember that they asked for any public input related to their environmental as well as economical disastrous decision to stop further oil and gas exploration in NZ. We all will pay dearly for that by losing thousands of jobs and being required to pay others for importing more expensive and with lesser environmental protections produced gas and oil. The "Not in my backyard" government ...?

I don't remember either that they asked the public (and definitely not the parents and students) when they disestablished charter schools. Their union buddies didn't like them because non performers hate competition - this was reason enough for Labour to remove them. Quite sad case of blunt corruption and ugliest politics, but certainly not consultation (well, other than their buddies).