  1. #17031
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    Yes interesting, you sound like you are connected with the company that has frittered away investors funds, with only promises of future profits. No doubt cxbladder works, and I am not rubbishing your product, but Array Genomics may differ on that in any case. But we are looking at the business model here, it stands to reason any innovative product developed must get to market in the shortest time possible. If anyone thinks that PEB, is the only diagnostics company working on tools and tests, in a country of 4.5 mill , compared to a planet of many billions, would have to be fooling themselves. Cxbladder is not a cure, and of course no has said that, but lets not overrate the future potential of the company.
    It stands to reason that techology moves in leaps and bounds. PEB needs to move fast.
    The dollars dont lie. Original investors in this company have lost a lot of money, let alone those that bought in at the inflated prices, following hyped up announcements by the company, with little to show from them. I remember one year there was a terrific increase in sales percentage announced, to reach some 3 million, on the back of a l9ss of 21 million. (Or figures around that arena) soooo disappointing.

  2. #17032
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    Carpenter Joe, if you are employed by PEB in any way, I believe you should disclose this, rather than hype up the stock.

  3. #17033
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Its obvious that Carpenter Joe takes some pride in ownership of PEB Shares, as I and others do in our company.

  4. #17034
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    Aha someone to complain to. Carpenter joe, in December 2015, I had and sold my 40,00 shares in PEB. If I had held onto them, as many did, I would have lost over a half of my money and no dividends. Is that a good business model, what do you thing the shares are worth now, aside that quoted on the NZX.

  5. #17035
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    Pride of ownership is all that comes with this company.

  6. #17036
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    Quote Originally Posted by bottomfeeder View Post
    Yes interesting, you sound like you are connected with the company that has frittered away investors funds, with only promises of future profits. No doubt cxbladder works, and I am not rubbishing your product, but Array Genomics may differ on that in any case. But we are looking at the business model here, it stands to reason any innovative product developed must get to market in the shortest time possible. If anyone thinks that PEB, is the only diagnostics company working on tools and tests, in a country of 4.5 mill , compared to a planet of many billions, would have to be fooling themselves. Cxbladder is not a cure, and of course no has said that, but lets not overrate the future potential of the company.
    It stands to reason that techology moves in leaps and bounds. PEB needs to move fast.
    The dollars dont lie. Original investors in this company have lost a lot of money, let alone those that bought in at the inflated prices, following hyped up announcements by the company, with little to show from them. I remember one year there was a terrific increase in sales percentage announced, to reach some 3 million, on the back of a l9ss of 21 million. (Or figures around that arena) soooo disappointing.

    Thanks BF,

    Yes, some investors are still investing. Some have even traded and have a free holding. Most will simply re-balance and write losses off if this flops.

    For about the tenth time, I am only a shareholder. I have never worked for PEB.

    If my numbers are correct Array has only had about 330 studied test samples across 5 years. They have a long way to go before they will be taken seriously. I do note they have a paper based on 500 samples due soon. As i have also stated, competition is a good thing when changing old habits.

    I am always interested in the competition and have yet to find a company that is anywhere near PEB level. I might have in-counted Five that are just starting to produce good results.

    Unfortunately with medicine, change takes time. It's unfortunate USA insurance companies are demanding FDA approval before payouts and are not embracing their ability to save money and improve patients outcome with this technology. This will change when guidelines and pathways catch up and insurance company have no excuse.

    Each to their own, I do not care if people invest in this company, it is in the hands of the big guys, I hope the big money continue to support this technology.

  7. #17037
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    Bottomfeeder....PEB is (& was) a start up Biotech company trying to get brand new ground breaking products into the market (& especially back in December 2015). If you were invested back then (and even now!) with the expectation of receiving dividends...then maybe you were invested in the wrong sort of business.

    One invests (or should do) in this type of business with the full knowledge that one could lose one's dosh. Of course, that risk is offset by the chance of making a lot of money when they finally do succeed.

  8. #17038
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    Quote Originally Posted by bottomfeeder View Post
    Aha someone to complain to. Carpenter joe, in December 2015, I had and sold my 40,00 shares in PEB. If I had held onto them, as many did, I would have lost over a half of my money and no dividends. Is that a good business model, what do you thing the shares are worth now, aside that quoted on the NZX.
    Its called investing, some investments take time to pay off and are high risk. I would also suggest those putting money into companies for dividends are not really investing. We all have different ways we make money, not all methods appeal to others.

  9. #17039
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpenterjoe View Post
    Its called investing, some investments take time to pay off and are high risk. I would also suggest those putting money into companies for dividends are not really investing. We all have different ways we make money, not all methods appeal to others.
    Yup - it is called investing, and when a company like PEB takes so much money from investors and the market using

    plenty of hype and promises,

    plus fictitious sales

    - then there must be accountability by the directors and management to update and brief the market and shareholders honestly, frankly and properly.

    Where is the accountability?

  10. #17040
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carpenterjoe View Post
    Its called investing, some investments take time to pay off and are high risk. I would also suggest those putting money into companies for dividends are not really investing. We all have different ways we make money, not all methods appeal to others.
    "An INVESTMENT is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation."
    "In an economic sense,an INVESTMENT is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth."
    Therefore PEB being a destructor of wealth, should never be called an INVESTMENT.
    Perhaps if they were registered as a charity, your foolish contributions would be tax deductible.
    As that is not the case, your money is being thrown away,by backing people who have a record of failure.
    Last edited by percy; 25-06-2019 at 06:16 PM.

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