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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Floating Anchor Shoals

    Default OVENTUS OVN a real competitor to FPH and RMD

    Oventus has reinvented itself with great improvements and efficacy for its Oventus O2 Airway Technology.This presentation tells one why it is superior to expensive mask systems (CPAP) that FPH and RMD use which have high drop out rate.Sleep centres and Lab in Lab simplifies the referral process.

    "Traditional US patient referral pathway
    The “silo-ing” of dentists and sleep physicians makes the patient journey complex and creates conflicting economic imperatives
    • Patients present to their family doctor with symptoms
    • They are referred to a sleep physician
    • A sleep test is performed in a lab or at home
    • They return for a follow-up consultation with a sleep physician
    • They are referred to a durable medical equipment supplier or CPAP reseller for a CPAP trial
    • 35% of patients refuse a CPAP trial
    • • •
    • •
    20% of CPAP trial patients will not move forward with a CPAP
    50% of the patients that move forward with CPAP abandon treatment within the first year
    The patient returns to the sleep physician or GP requesting a prescription for an oral appliance
    Patient returns to the dentist for fitting of an oral appliance
    Patient should be referred back to the sleep physician for follow up?

    "During 2018, clinical work undertaken through the Federal Government-funded CRC-P, ‘NeuRA trial’ led to three significant discoveries in the area of sleep medicine:
    1. The ExVentTM valve – inserting this valve into the ‘duck bill’ of Oventus’ O2VentTM device improves efficacy for those patients who need more intervention
    2. The O2Vent ONEPAPTM valve – clips into the ‘duck bill’ of Oventus’ O2VentTM device and acts as a mini CPAP valve without the need for cords or power
    3. The O2Vent ConnectTM CPAP connection will connect the Oventus O2VentTM device to CPAP, enabling CPAP to be delivered at lower pressures, without the need for a full face mask
    These unexpected product discoveries, Oventus' ExVent valve, OnePAP and O2Vent Connect, represent the most significant improvements in sleep medicine in over several decades."

    The S/P has doubled plus for me very quickly (I had a buy for some more at the top of the Q on tuesday and left and went and looked at an EV Nissan leaf, when i came back my bid had been buried!) and it looks like things are going faster than the company expected as well. So their cash burn may have accelerated and a placement/ cap raising may be close.

    Heres the most recent presentation (3rd one in a few months). I plan to sell some RMD and FPH and buy more of these. Not a recco, DYOR
    Last edited by Joshuatree; 19-07-2019 at 09:29 PM.


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