  1. #16441
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    Quote Originally Posted by Independent Observer AUNZ View Post
    Can't believe I'm having this debate with what I assumed were intelligent people on this forum... but...

    And hundreds more...
    Yes read all them and the other 100 you talk about,plus some..Nasa scientist and the worlds top solar scientists are saying the the solar maximuns we have enjoyed for 100 years is coming to an end. We have lived in the best of times but our grandchildren will heading for a colder climate. By 2023 we will know who is right. My point here is that OGOG wants as much of Ironbank for itself as possible. Even in a warming climate OGOG at present offer will make a fortune. A cold one that I believe [but don't want as I hate the cold] will be our future ,will make OGOG one of the worlds most succesfull companies.
    Hope your around by 2023. The winner of this debate gets free drinks. Agreed????
    Subject now closed from me on this point. Where do I meet you in 2023 for a free drink.. Some warm place I hope.

    My point

  2. #16442


    Quote Originally Posted by digger View Post
    The winner of this debate gets free drinks. Agreed????
    Agreed. Look forward to it. Hope I'm wrong and its my shout but somehow I don't think so.

    neopoleII - I'm not sure who specifically you are talking about but any politicians worth their salt should be pushing for both local AND global action.

  3. #16443
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    Quote Originally Posted by Independent Observer AUNZ View Post
    Agreed. Look forward to it. Hope I'm wrong and its my shout but somehow I don't think so.
    Ok let set the outline on this bet. What I am saying is that 2023 will be colder than 2019.

    If it should be warmer you win. I will make sure your drink comes with ice. Mine will be a hot drink to warm up from the colder climate

    Now in the meantime don't go passing away as I am looking forward to this bet.

  4. #16444
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    Quote Originally Posted by digger View Post
    Ok let set the outline on this bet. What I am saying is that 2023 will be colder than 2019.

    If it should be warmer you win. I will make sure your drink comes with ice. Mine will be a hot drink to warm up from the colder climate

    Now in the meantime don't go passing away as I am looking forward to this bet.

    Sounds dodgy to me as 2023 could be, by chance, the one cooler year occurring during a rising trend. Seems to me that Digger should buy if the average Morrinsville temperature over 4 calendar years 2020-2023 inclusive is higher than 2016-19 inclusive.

  5. #16445
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    Quote Originally Posted by Independent Observer AUNZ View Post
    I agree that gas is a good transition fuel (and better than coal).

    There is however not sufficient evidence that natural variations could cause, or even sufficiently contribute to materially, the extreme changes we are seeing already in climate data. The more that idea gets trotted out and accepted in various forums, the more I feel some in our society are keeping their head in the sand about what is really happening right before our eyes.
    Not so arjay! Independent Observer AUNZ has already stated, quite categorically, that he (or she) will not countenance any notion that natural cycles in weather patterns have anything to do with current climate observations.

    The change in climate must only be due to activities of man, or so I am lead to believe. Any claims to the contrary are simply people with their heads buried in the sand 'trotting out' any old bs story to justify their ongoing (and downright greedy) activities.

    In which case, if digger is right and we experience a cooling period - we cannot say that is is a chance outcome. We must blame humans 100%.

    Otherwise, it would be like trying to have a bob both ways wouldn't it?

    It is this kind of thinking that puts me off. Generally, I try to keep away from the fringes of any given debate. On one side you have deniers - who seem to think that humans have absolutely nothing to do with climate change. Perfectly ridiculous.

    On the other side, you have people who will not accept that natural changes and variations also contribute to our evolving climate. The only factor, in their minds, is human activity. Equally absurd.

    I find the truth is usually somewhere in between the extremes.

    Anyway, we must be bored waiting for the latest takeover bid to on earth did this thread become about wagers on future planet temperatures?
    Last edited by mistaTea; 15-10-2019 at 09:14 AM.

  6. #16446
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    Quote Originally Posted by arjay View Post
    Sounds dodgy to me as 2023 could be, by chance, the one cooler year occurring during a rising trend. Seems to me that Digger should buy if the average Morrinsville temperature over 4 calendar years 2020-2023 inclusive is higher than 2016-19 inclusive.
    No Arjay I believe we have a deal between myself and Independent Observer to stand as it is.The world average temperature.

    If you want I am prepared to make a bet with you on the four year groups as you have outlined. So a drink on the bet where I say the 20 t0 23 inclusive will be colder than 16 to 19 inclusive. However in both cases we have to use the world average as this is recorded yearly with no fiddling.. To my mind there is no station Morrinsville doing this work that can be independently relied on. The met service keeps the records.
    Last edited by digger; 15-10-2019 at 12:28 PM. Reason: spelling

  7. #16447


    Quote Originally Posted by digger View Post
    No Arjay I believe we have a deal between myself and Independent Observer to stand as it is.The world average temperature.

    If you want I am prepared to make a bet with you on the four year groups as you have outlined. So a drink on the bet where I say the 20 t0 23 inclusive will be colder than 16 to 19 inclusive. However in both cases we have to use the world average as this is recorded yearly with no fiddling.. To my mind there is no station Morrinsville doing this work that can be independently relied on. The met service keeps the records.
    Thanks or the backup Arjay, but its not going to matter. The worlds getting hotter so I have the better odds.

    Even if we are using a potentially flawed shortened timeframe, a bet is a bet.

    I'm in my late 30s so I bloody well hope I don't kick the bucket in the intervening time. I don't own NZO shares so that must help my heart stress factors.

  8. #16448
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    Ok now that all the positions on the future climate are sorted out ,on with the next issue.

    A number of us shareholders [4] have got together about 1.5 months ago and have without a doubt been responsible for killing off the very small 62 cent bid made by OGOG. We are now working on the small bid of 74 cents. Notice that in this case the very has been dropped.

    The main point is that the four of us have also considered others issues that can only be discussed on private emails. The outcome is that we have asked Brian Roulston to allow his name to be put forward as a director in the up coming AGM. Brian after a few weeks thinking about it decided to accept the nomination. So yesterday I sent by fast mail two letters to the company. The first nominating Brian and the second a letter from Brian Concenting to the nomination.

    About an hour ago John Pagani replied saying letter arrivied and all is in order. The nomination will be included in the AGM mail you will all receive .

    Now unless OGOG wants Brian he will have approx nil chance of getting elected. Under present company structure all shareholders get one vote for each share held. That means that OGOG with 70% pretty well call the shots--in fact do call the shots.
    We wanted Brian to allow his name to go forward to protest that the minor holders that control 30% of the company have nil say and are not represented.Under present company structure directors do what the major holder says or its the door.Under the very unlikely event that Brian gets elected he has the ability to be a top directors for us. Now that is if a snow ball can survive in hell
    I am hopefull I can then bring this up with The NZ Shareholders Association.

    There may well be other nominations but none will have been as active for minor holder as Brian. Brian often has posted on sharetrader.

  9. #16449
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    First off Digger - a big thank you, to you and all the others who have been tirelessly working behind the scenes to look after and protect the interests of the small shareholders - your efforts are very much appreciated.

    We only have a small holding, but will definitely vote in favour of Brian being elected come AGM time.

  10. #16450
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    Quote Originally Posted by CD_CHCH View Post
    First off Digger - a big thank you, to you and all the others who have been tirelessly working behind the scenes to look after and protect the interests of the small shareholders - your efforts are very much appreciated.

    We only have a small holding, but will definitely vote in favour of Brian being elected come AGM time.
    I concur, nicely put.

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