Clearly one individual/director who seemingly never learnt his lesson when he was 'pinged' decades ago in the US for his trades in McCollum Printers.

Warning from an article by Nikki Mandow of Unlimited magazine 19 years ago still resonates - "Past actions indicate Watson's modus operandi is to leverage the deals for Watson first, Watson second and Watson third".

And yet there are those like Owen Glenn who chose to ignore the warnings!

Oh well, his journey of misdeeds are now at an end with his back against a very hard and high wall :

"Bruce Sheppard, who was sued by Watson and his former Hanover Finance associate Mark Hotchin for defamation, said: "Between Owen Glenn, the Inland Revenue, and the FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission in the US, he certainly has got his hands full.

"I'm not sure Eric has ever had his back to the wall in a pure sense of the word, so who knows how he would behave when he has his back to the wall.

"It could get really ugly. Inland Revenue is probably not a death star event, but Owen Glenn is probably a death star event."