Quote Originally Posted by couta1 View Post
For sure, a lot more stressful than the share market IMO unless your fortunate enough to have exceptional long term tenants.
True story. I had a client who owned a lovely 4 bedroom brick and tile house in Warkworth and they had a lovely tenant that really looked after the place for just over 10 years.
One summer the rent stopped being paid and then the excuses started, one after another after another after another, very believable stories of hardship, serious illness and need within their extended family.
"Bill" was a trusting soul and based on their long track record he gave them a fair bit of latitude. Finally after a few months of stories he decided he had to do a property inspection.
She had become a P user and the place had turned into a bomb site. It took him another few months to get rid of the family and another few months and over $50,000 to clean and fix it up.
He's an old guy and simply couldn't handle the stress and he put it on the market after that. Never again were his words.