Some one once said words to the effect, gold they go to a lot of trouble and expense to dig it out of the ground only to go to a lot of trouble and expense in burying it again in a vault or something.
Gold competes with the fiat economy, its not social. That said it is well beyond my expertise to have any idea of such matters/economics.

Interestingly they backed the currency with gold but made it impossible to redeem it for bullion (the US as per JB's post).

So I am not doing so well now. Silver at $14.70 US/ounce. Every thing is down, shares gold, silver, crypto. Probably a few weeks wait for an update on Maslins drilling progress. Friday IVR shares dipped to 1 cents. The close was 1.2 cents and looked a bit artificial as if some one manipulated it up at the close. Must put me at a 10 to 20% paper loss counting the trade I did end of Feburary. Thats probably OK relative to a lot of others. And with everything looking grim is cash in some bank or institution going to be fully available in the future? Its all conjecture and imaginings at this time.

After the GFC 2008 probably the best performing shares were those that had been marked down the most after the market collapsed, the speccies.
Which way from here? may be some support at these levels or a drift lower? I imagine the helicopter money might be an option. Would they ever suspend the markets till things settle down?