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  1. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by jonu View Post
    It would be a little more helpful if you pointed out his supposed errors. Does not reflect well upon you IMHO.

    Uses the exact same source as blackcap (though why anyone would want to rely on ANYTHING from the US medical system, I don't know). Here's some example
    There are literally hundreds of sources supporting the following key points:
    - The virus has an infection (reproduction) rate in the region of 2 to 3 whereas the seasonal flu has in the region of 1.3. The exponential impact of infection rates is the biggest differentiating factor!
    - This virus is significantly more likely to kill a patient (roughly ten times according to Fauci and a number of articles I've read with some saying as much as 20 times more).
    - Unlike flu there is no herd immunity to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
    - Incubation (hidden infection) period is ~5 days for coronavirus, versus ~2 for the flu.
    - It may take many months or years to develop a vaccine.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Unfortunately Independent Observer is right. This is meant to be the positive thread but come on, don't downplay the seriousness of this pandemic. This clearly isn't just the flu. Have you not seen what Italy is going through right now?
    Their hospitals are overflowing with cases. Once they run out of ICUs and respirators then the mortality rate goes way up as they just can't help everyone. it is a disaster out there, and highlights the importance of keeping things under control. Blackcap is right to say don't panic, and carry on, but trying to downplay the seriousness of it is not the right way to think about this. The lockdown (or other means of flattening the curve) is essential and a message that "this is no big deal, its not even as bad as the flu" is highly counterproductive. We don't see countries go into lockdown and health systems get totally overrun each year because of the flu.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Independent Observer AUNZ View Post

    Uses the exact same source as blackcap (though why anyone would want to rely on ANYTHING from the US medical system, I don't know). Here's some example
    There are literally hundreds of sources supporting the following key points:
    - The virus has an infection (reproduction) rate in the region of 2 to 3 whereas the seasonal flu has in the region of 1.3. The exponential impact of infection rates is the biggest differentiating factor!
    - This virus is significantly more likely to kill a patient (roughly ten times according to Fauci and a number of articles I've read with some saying as much as 20 times more).
    - Unlike flu there is no herd immunity to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
    - Incubation (hidden infection) period is ~5 days for coronavirus, versus ~2 for the flu.
    - It may take many months or years to develop a vaccine.
    Most of your points are debateable, as there is not enough reliable data to verify them. The death rate in particular. Flu mutates all the time, so herd immunity is only of limited help. The vast majority of deaths are ASSOCIATED with Covid-19 and are related to other health issues.

    Italy's figures have spooked everyone, but they are recording a death of anyone who has Covid-19, whether that was the main cause of death or not. Other countries aren't. It is also likely that Italy has far more infections than the official figures, which would significantly drop the death rate.

    Apologies if getting off topic
    Last edited by jonu; 26-03-2020 at 12:05 PM.

  4. #84
    The Kid
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    Well, many fish and shellfish stocks will get a breather, especially in those areas where there is a lot iof recreational fishing and harvesting pressure

  5. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by Meister View Post
    Unfortunately Independent Observer is right. This is meant to be the positive thread but come on, don't downplay the seriousness of this pandemic. This clearly isn't just the flu. Have you not seen what Italy is going through right now?
    Their hospitals are overflowing with cases. Once they run out of ICUs and respirators then the mortality rate goes way up as they just can't help everyone. it is a disaster out there, and highlights the importance of keeping things under control. Blackcap is right to say don't panic, and carry on, but trying to downplay the seriousness of it is not the right way to think about this. The lockdown (or other means of flattening the curve) is essential and a message that "this is no big deal, its not even as bad as the flu" is highly counterproductive. We don't see countries go into lockdown and health systems get totally overrun each year because of the flu.
    Exactly. It is pretty clear that almost no one on this forum spouting the rhetoric that downplays this pandemic have ever worked on the frontline of the health system. Some of you are about to get a rather big shock but unfortunately I can only see you blaming someone else (e.g. the government) when we should be taking a hard look at ourselves and the society/community we have created.

  6. #86
    Legend peat's Avatar
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    Aug 2004
    Whanganui, New Zealand.


    the roads are empty, its kinda spooky but kinda nice too.
    not good for Z shares but nice for a walk.
    For clarity, nothing I say is advice....

  7. #87
    Advanced Member Valuegrowth's Avatar
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    Jun 2013


    New enemy is corona. New weapons against corona and economy are surgical masks, medical devices, drugs, liquidity, loans and grants. One positive thing is whole world came together for the common cause and to fight with corona.

    Currently Infected Patients: 336,362
    In Mild Condition:321,562 (96%)
    Serious or Critical: 14,800 (4%)
    Recovered-Discharged: 114,740 (84%)

    Thanks gods nearly 96% are in mild conditions. Currently, there are 14,800 serious patients. Their life is in danger. Very small quantity when compare with people who die from other diseases and accidents on yearly basis in each country. Only thing each country can do is take action to bring down death rates and prevent it from spreading. Some countries are managing well. Some countries don’t have good health facilities like western countries. To my surprise their death rate is still very low. Some countries took very easy at the beginning specially those who close to China geographically. Overall at least one will die in each country and some countries will escape from any deaths. Just like other virus corona also will disappear by the end of its cycle. How about if we have to live with it just likes other diseases?

    In the midst of the crisis, misinformation on Corona has been spreading virally. Now China is opening businesses. Europe eventually should follow. When that happens, demand will go up. I am waiting for some studies on Corona and some findings from scientists.

  8. #88
    Senior Member
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    Wellington, , New Zealand.


    SC - I respect that you want to contribute but this thread is not the one to do it on. There's a lot of nervous investors out there that would like a positive thread and this is their space, and those that want to assist by identifying POSITIVE effects.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by peat View Post
    the roads are empty, its kinda spooky but kinda nice too.
    not good for Z shares but nice for a walk.
    I felt like Bruno Lawrence in The Quiet Earth.

  10. #90
    On the doghouse
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    Jun 2004
    , , New Zealand.


    Quote Originally Posted by steveb View Post
    How about we think positive for a change,what benefits can we expect from the virus.
    An opportunity to grow that big bushy beard you always promised yourself. More effective than a face mask, with no supply problems.

    Watch out for the most persistent and dangerous version of Covid-19: B.S.24/7


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