Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
Just to refineSBQ's advice a little.If you are determined to take the risk and get in now,average in over time say once a week or month.Im only occasionally nibbling or adding to quality stocks.I think we have alot more pain to come, so implore you to average in over time and smoothe out your average price. Its pretty horrible seeing your investments halve because you timed it wrong and if something drops by say 50% it takes 100% gain to get back to where you were.
I was told by financial advisors in the past that if you're investing for the long term like over 2 decades, then it does not matter when you buy the shares. What a bunch of waffle! Timing and how you buy in tranches does matter. However that's not how investment schemes like Kiwi Saver operate. They have a steady cash flow coming in for as long as the person is employed. How come i'm seeing little news about the probability of high unemployment in NZ (like 15 or 20%) and what impact that would have to managed funds in NZ? Because if you ask me, the time to invest is right now and in the near short term future. But those who are not employed can only watch this opportunity sail by which is sad...