It’s not about actually wanting SBQ to go home, and you know that. I welcome anyone into this country, as a visitor or a permanent immigrant, regardless of race or culture or gender or whatever else. But SBQ is constantly running down my country, and criticising our tax systems. He doesn’t have to like how we do things here, but he knew what he was getting into when he came here. So, I make no apologies for sometimes feeling and voicing “if you don’t like it here, maybe you should go back to the country you were apparently much happier in.”

Quote Originally Posted by blackcap View Post
Where SBQ comes from is absolutely irrelevant in this discussion. And if you want immigrants to go back "home" there are other websites you can pontificate on.

As to his/her argument about tax it certainly is valid. Financial advisors should know tax laws (even in NZ) and be able to advise clients on tax implications. People underestimate the effect that poor tax planning has on portfolios and wealth. To be fair though, I studied tax and estate planning at postgrad level so the qualifications are out there. Whether these are mandatory for financial advisors is another matter but some rudimentary knowledge certainly IMHO should be.