Quote Originally Posted by NeverQuestion View Post
So here is where this gets Scary...

  • Who has the most to loose during a property downturn?

Those with low equity.

  • Who would that most likely impact?

First Home Buyers

  • How many will be hit?

Those who bought in the last 3 years... Maybe more

There is no escaping the mess that is the Property Market.. This has been let to run for too long... I really do think that Central Banks have realized this mistake.. Hence the desire for QE... Next stop?! Hyperinflation.. Only way to get out of this now..

All those 3 points are irrelevant as long as the person can make the mortgage payment. Don't forget, mortgage rates are at record lows meaning it's never been cheaper for a 1st time owner to buy. The banks are literally screaming for people to take their money, for just as long as they have a paying job.

What mistake are you implying that the central banks have done? Oh you mean they should do nothing and let the ship sink?

Please show me data that we are heading for 'hyperinflation' - i'm sick of this claim with unfounded evidence. The QE during the 2008 GFC had resulted in no negligible rise in inflation whatsoever! The amount of deflation from COVID would of amounted to record levels never seen before if the central banks did nothing. Back in April we saw the oil price collapse - is that not deflation? It would be if the gov'ts and central banks did nothing; making it a permanent state.

One thing certain, if the asset prices of houses collapse, so will the banks fall ; meaning, central banks can not afford to let that happen. Likewise with the stock market.