Quote Originally Posted by Minerbarejet View Post
We can all dream about winning all that but when it comes to the nitty gritty who do you trust. Probably the Lotteries Commission would have the best independent advice but it would still be your best judgement that would prevail.Agree the prizes are getting a bit high, 5 to 10 to mill is enough for anybody- and they should pay out more prizes. Plus they should have a prize for getting all the numbers but all on different lines on 1 ticket - you might be surprised how often that doesnt happen.
Previous lotto winners would probably have some pretty meaningful input if they could be found.
I think the vast bulk of ST members would have smarts to invest for passive income (Blue chip stocks with well covered Divi) .... I'm doing that with a much smaller amount of capital ...I don't get the Celebs that make $150mill+ etc and only 10-20yrs later end up bankrupt ... Dumbasses