Quote Originally Posted by Biscuit View Post
I've never really understood the whole "non-ethical" thing about SKC. They sell entertainment to people who want to buy it. The entertainment is not damaging per se. Almost all companies will do their level best to get you to buy something you don't need and can't afford with money you don't have. Gambling can be addictive and can damage people's lives. The same is true, to some degree, of many products and services. SKC would be one of very few companies who go out of their way to identify problem customers and discourage them from their consumption. I'd call that within the bounds of normal ethical behavior.
Exactly the view I have ... I'm glad I'm not alone.

SkyCity has a "Surveillance" team of 50-100 people constantly watching people inside the Casino and looking for signs of "gambling distress" ... all staff are trained to look out for the signs that guests are no longer having fun and will eject them from the casino if this is detected (hence SkyCity may lose their casino licence). There is also a permanent police/government information sharing agreement due to the highly regulated nature of the business. I don't believe the same can be said for the pokies at the local workingmans club or RSA! I always find it's a huge double standard that the TAB and Lotto get to advertise on prime time TV where SkyCity is not allowed to advertise anywhere except for brand signage around their precinct ... you may notice the complete lack of "Casino" signs except for the single one at the front of the building ... this is because of regulations.