Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
A bit hard to say as no announcement was made. But appears that fund contributions were cut after the May Budget without any announcement to that affect and Goldsmith had prepared his plan based on the super contributions forecast in the Budget. So Robinson appears to have withheld $4 B in contributions to be able to claim in the pre-election update that he's spent $4B less than forecast !! As cynical as it gets

Whoa, hold on, your outrage may be a bit misplaced.
The projected Govt contributions to the Superannuation fund are set by Treasury's NZ Superannuation Fund Contribution Rate Model which is always publicly available on Treasury's website. It's a formula so actual contributions are going to vary from year to year.
Goldie made a big deal of waiting till the PREFU came out to get the correct figures to base their economic policy on.
But he used the wrong figures & made a $4B mistake & claimed in his defence on ZB this morning, it's a big document with lots of figures!
C'mon Paul, are you saying it's too complicated for you ? replied a clearly scathing Hoskings.

Secondly, Goldie only admitted the mistake after Grant Robertson corrected the figures for him, he seems completely naive.

Judith & others in National feel very let down, as economic competence is the key plank of the election strategy.
It's such a terrible mistake, some are even asking if it was intentional to destabilise Collin's leadership.