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  1. #6391
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Feb 2003


    More revelations about the carry-on regardinh Ihumatoa with Labour.

  2. #6392
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , .


    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post

    More revelations about the carry-on regardinh Ihumatoa with Labour.
    definition - a surprising and previously unknown fact that has been disclosed to others.
    This is Winston!

    Still no admission that you were wrong?
    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Countries like France & even Turkey ban the hijab - guess Cindy thinks she knows better than them? .

  3. #6393
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    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by dobby41 View Post
    I thought there was a lot of polarisation under Key - the Cult of Key was very strong.
    Even allowed to pull pony tails with impunity.
    The john key led-govt was a phrase that was thrown everywhere at the time.

    Is judy still paying for likes on facebook?
    Last edited by Panda-NZ-; 25-09-2020 at 02:24 PM.

  4. #6394
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    Auckland, , New Zealand.


    I’d be very interested to know what key achieved while in office, I do agree he was very capable at doing the following

    -forgetting what he had or hadn’t said
    -smiling while cooking a BBQ
    - putting up GST when he said he wouldn’t
    -doing nothing to solve the housing crisis he called in opposition.
    - sold off state assets for a song.
    - pulling on some poor girls pony tail repetitively whenever he went to his local cafe.

    The one thing I think that worries me the most is his biggest regret in office was to not change the flag. He ended his time in office having used none of his political capital that was the worst thing - mr flip flop simply didn’t want to be on the wrong side of public opinion and achieved next to nothing over 9 years on power.

  5. #6395
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    Quote Originally Posted by dobby41 View Post
    France has NOT banned the Hijab - Jacinda knows better than you.
    France has banned full face coverings - the Burqa.
    Turkey has mostly lifted the ban in Universities, public schools and government buildings.

    I find it interesting that the Hijab is very similar to head coverings that very Christian women wore years ago and much like a Nuns head covering - it is very reverent really.
    It seems to be offensive only if worn for a Muslim reason.

    Now the Burqa - quite a different kettle of fish.
    In the 1960's lots of women in the West used to wear scarves covering their hair. Then there is a the passage from the Christian bible:“Therefore ought the woman to have a power over her head, because of the angels.” (1 Corinthians 11:10)

    So whether the head and hair is covered is not just an Islamic thing.

  6. #6396
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    Quote Originally Posted by dobby41 View Post

    Still no admission that you were wrong?
    Just like Collins who refuses to condemn several of her MPs for making up a fake quote from Ardern. Nothing like untruths to boost the campaign I guess.

  7. #6397
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    Just like Collins who refuses to condemn several of her MPs for making up a fake quote from Ardern. Nothing like untruths to boost the campaign I guess.
    This is too funny. Criticising TWO MPs for repeating the PM slagging farming once again but a slight misquote, that did not change at all what they were pointing out. But you also made up in your one sentence that there were "several" MPs involved when the article you posted names TWO.

    adjective [ not gradable ]
    US /ˈsev·rəl, -ər·əl/

    (of an amount or number) more than two and fewer than many; some:"

  8. #6398
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    Jul 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by boysy View Post
    - putting up GST when he said he wouldn’t.
    Offset by a redcution in income tax. This was means tested across all earners and everyone was better off.

    The only people negatively effected by a GST increase combined with an income tax reduction, were those who were spending more than they earned. I would suggest if you were spending more than you earned you have bigger problems than JK tinkering with the tax system.

  9. #6399
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    Quote Originally Posted by iceman View Post
    This is too funny. Criticising TWO MPs for repeating the PM slagging farming once again but a slight misquote, that did not change at all what they were pointing out. But you also made up in your one sentence that there were "several" MPs involved when the article you posted names TWO.

    adjective [ not gradable ]
    US /ˈsev·rəl, -ər·əl/

    (of an amount or number) more than two and fewer than many; some:"
    LOL. There is no such thing as a "slight misquote". It is a misquote. Are you saying that what the MPs were "pointing out" justified their "slight" misquote? I hope not because that would be another step to dystopia for me!

    Anyway the misquote made by the MPs was not slight as it changed the meaning of what Ardern said in a significant way. It says a lot about Collins that she is prepared to let the misquotes by her MPs stand uncorrected. Maybe it is old fashioned to expect better from those seeking public office?

    I went to a school in the 1980's. We used British dictionaries back then. We learnt the origin of words. Several is derived from "separare" to "pull apart." So "several" could include anything more than the single unity. Maybe the meaning of several has evolved? One of the meanings of "several" was "some or an inexact amount fewer than many." A "couple" was always two.

    So I agree I could have been more specific and referred to two or a couple of MPs. I am not standing to be an MP though!

    BTW I am voting for neither The greens nor Labour. However I have not seen or read anything that leads me to the conclusion that Ardern has it in for farmers or farming specifically
    Last edited by Bjauck; 25-09-2020 at 06:33 PM.

  10. #6400
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by porkandpuha View Post
    Offset by a redcution in income tax. This was means tested across all earners and everyone was better off.
    It was a broken promise though since he said he wouldn't.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
    However I have not seen or read anything that leads me to the conclusion that Ardern has it in for farmers or farming specifically
    Foneterra has been reformed after poor oversight by national.
    Someone as PM who is respected overseas to sell our premium items.
    Consistently lower NZD than under the last mob.

    So there are plenty of reasons to stick with a team you are familiar with rather than take a chance.
    Last edited by Panda-NZ-; 26-09-2020 at 01:17 AM.


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