Quote Originally Posted by humvee View Post
I have a different approach again I have ended up with high write offs but a fairly high RAR too

30.75% gross write-offs/ gross interest
29.44% net write-offs/ gross interest (which I think is more important figure vs what some others have quoted)

14.69% rar

5047 unique loans

My Rar has been ever so slowly climbing since I stopped making new investments. But has pretty much always been above 13.8% usually above 14%.
It's quite sad that effectively good honest people (the majority) are paying very high interest rates to cover the debt write-offs of bad people (the minority). The issue is exacerbated by the manner in which Harmoney loans money based on algorithms which are open to deception and abuse while being reluctant/uninterested in chasing bad debts. No security lien adds to the problem which is what sets Lending Crowd high above Harm-Money.