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  1. #521
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    A historic quarterly contraction in GDP in the US could indicate a depression on the way but no big drop on the US indexes might indicate otherwise.

    I wonder if it caused MKR to rise to almost 60cents today with me missing a nearly 20% one day rise by selling at .50cents.
    Yeah MKR hit a 70c intraday high !!!! Gutted I sold way to early .., I purchased more OBM today 36c on open will for sure crack 40c and head towards 50c so many updates to come now cashed up .... RXL did raise low then announced --results like>>• High grade results returned during the program from Grace Prospect include:
    o RXRC287: 25m @ 34.79g/t Au from 143m, including: 6m @ 140.7g/t Au from 150m
    o RXRC266: 4m @ 88.81g/t Au from 27m, including 2m @ 176.03g/t Au from 28m
    o RXRC260: 11m @ 18.75g/t Au from 8m, including 3m @ 61.27g/t Au from 8m
    o RXRC268: 9m @ 9.28g/t Au from 9m, including 2m @ 33.53g/t Au from 11m
    o RXRC252: 4m @ 7.56g/t Au from 17m
    • The Project Mineral Resource Estimate currently totals 12.4Mt at 2.97g/t Au for 1,190,600
    ounces of gold which will be updated in due course.....IMHO Grace is a Parallel structure (so potential another 1moz+ size)

    I don't know if you followed SPX but they were taking over by RMS for over $208mill ... for a 355,000oz high grade deep Gold deposit.. they held small permit surrounded by RXL - VMC the main holders in the Gold Rich Youanmi shear

    RXL Holds 70% of the only decent Gold plant in the area that needs 25mill to 30mill re-furb costs ... would be very straight forward to once again become a Gold producer esp. if RMS joined into the mix .... RXL only valued @ 115mill and that doesn't even give any value to their other Projects like the major Nickel projects that had focus back before moving into GOLD ....

    I have certainly put my money on RXL with 1.7mill shares
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  2. #522
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    Well if you are still happy to guide me through to doubling my money by June then I might as well buy some today. Looks like ASB fees for aussie shares are.3% no minimum fee so I was wondering if I should put $10,000 in RXL and the remaining $4,000 in a higher conviction company like OBM. I need to be putting my profits back in but wonder if it should be all in RXL.

    Apologies to Macduffy for hijacking a thread.

    To be honest I really do need to make an effort as all the numbers in your post mean nothing to me.
    Last edited by Aaron; 04-08-2020 at 08:16 AM.

  3. #523
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
    Well if you are still happy to guide me through to doubling my money by June then I might as well buy some today. Looks like ASB fees for aussie shares are.3% no minimum fee so I was wondering if I should put $10,000 in RXL and the remaining $4,000 in a higher conviction company like OBM. I need to be putting my profits back in but wonder if it should be all in RXL.

    Apologies to Macduffy for hijacking a thread.

    To be honest I really do need to make an effort as all the numbers in your post mean nothing to me.
    yes maybe we should be moving this topic of gold companies across to the Jnr Gold companies thread ..?
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  4. #524

  5. #525
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    So inflation is the winner and continues to be the winner.

    Despite demographics (aging population spending less) and technology supposedly going to cause deflation it is not happening.

    It is all good while it is just asset prices but what if the asset price inflation drives everything else up starting with rents. Interest rates are not going to rise so asset holders will win with rising asset prices and inflation getting rid of debt.

    Is there a downside?

    No surprises what is driving up house prices, all the other twaddle about RMA, councils red tape, immigration etc is possibly not as relevant.

    I know buying anything and holding on is the answer but don't like the idea of too much debt (if there is such a thing)

    It is not a world for the conservative or faint hearted.

  6. #526
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    An economist stating the obvious but offering no solutions much like all the political parties in this years election.

    I can't find the post but vaguely remember Bill English gave a speech on why people might not understand why asset prices will keep rising even in recession. I can't remember the exact details or timing of the speech and don't know how to search this site well enough to find it but to his credit he was on the money from what I remember. I think it was a speech to the NZ Stockbrokers assn or something like that.

    Stop targeted inflation and trickle down economics it is not working anymore, if it ever really worked in the first place. Before you get the trickle down you need to get all the wealth to the top.
    Last edited by Aaron; 13-10-2020 at 02:04 PM.

  7. #527
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    More economists thoughts on central bank inflation.

    The reserve bank would rather do too much (thanks Adrian). "House prices up 11% but inflation outlook is so low". How can these morons have both of these statements in the same paragraph. Economists bloviating is beyond belief sometimes.

    Actually I do appreciate that these economists are a lot smarter than me but the results of central banks controlling inflation and employment with interest rates and money creation don't appear to be sustainable long term to me.
    Last edited by Aaron; 14-10-2020 at 10:10 AM.

  8. #528
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    The reserve bank would rather do too much (thanks Adrian). "House prices up 11% but inflation outlook is so low". How can these morons have both of these statements in the same paragraph. Economists bloviating is beyond belief sometimes.
    Is the answer that the prices of housing don't feed directly into the CPI but are captured somehow by some dodgy calculation of rentals?

  9. #529
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    Quote Originally Posted by macduffy View Post
    Is the answer that the prices of housing don't feed directly into the CPI but are captured somehow by some dodgy calculation of rentals?
    It would be interesting to know how they calculate the housing portion of the CPI and what portion of the CPI this reflects. maybe I should put in a bit more effort and find out. If housing costs are 50% of your budget does it matter if your iPhone and clothes costs are coming down. How can the housing component of the CPI rise by 7% compounding over the last 20 years yet economists say there is no inflation. There is huge inflation in asset prices but no one wants it to stop (at least no one in a position to stop it.)

    A survey in the herald re house prices today indicate maybe some people want change. Young people can't save fast enough to keep up with house price growth. A bloke with a couple of rental properties makes more a year playing golf everyday than a fulltime worker on an average wage and he doesn't even need to rent the properties out (although cashflow becomes an issue) and all those gains are not taxed.

    It is good for the haves and the kids of the haves who will get a hand onto the property ladder but we must be getting to a point where social mobility is being restricted and it is largely due to 30 years of lower and lower interest rates and easy money. Targeted inflation should go.

  10. #530
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