Quote Originally Posted by Bjauck View Post
I would say that its meaning is understood even if "adept" is the preferred antonym to "inept". Who does not accept the word "ept"?

As a matter of interest Did you allow dialect words or American spellings for scrabble?
I have just checked the official scrabble dictionary 'scrabblewordfinder.org' , and surprisingly it's still not there. I'm not sure how 'official' the online one is - I'd never seen or used it before. I used to have the official one that listed all words that were acceptable, English or American, a compilation from all dictionaries - and I'm sure it wasn't in there - but that's going back a while. But yes, it doesn't take much to realise what is meant - so I would not argue that it is not a legitimate word; just that it is not universally accepted.