Quote Originally Posted by dobby41 View Post
So that article says immigration down 90% but demand doesn't seem to have dropped?
At the moment the border is open to Kiwis only - is that not enough closure of borders?
That would be great if it stayed that way, not likely though. More people, more demand more consumption more growth, in population, prices and money supply.
The money supply would contract if population leveled off and becomes sustainable.
Doesn't seem to have affected demand for houses as you say. Mind you S&P 500 up last night on stimulus expectation and gold up as well which I would have expected to fall if everything is coming right.

I wonder if house buyers, share buyers, goldies and crypto might appreciate that each time central banks print it is getting larger and larger so I wonder if the frenzied buying is just a dawning realisation that dollars are risky and are a bad thing to hold. maybe not even a realisation but a natural response to what is happening. I wonder if this is what a currency collapse looks like with the price of everything shooting up as more and more currency gets printed.

Shares or Property? Maybe both or whatever you can afford while you can afford it.

Possibly a bit dramatic but seems to be the way we are headed climate emergency declaration or not.