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  1. #771
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonu View Post
    When a Minister rules out doing something leading into an election, and then does that very thing within months, the electorate has a right to be angry and for that Minister's credibility to be at zero.
    Politicians are known to lie and change their minds - I should know coming from Canada where politicians there have a global reputation for doing this.

    I will admit, i've been a National supporter since coming to NZ 20 years age. The recent election I voted for National on the sole basis that Jacinda had done nothing. NOW she's doing something and would vote for her. Does that mean the National Party has lied to me? Perhaps so by not doing anything ; on most part, they've been silent on the issue of affordable housing. I recall John Key mentioned that high housing prices in NZ are no different to abroad and that taxes does not discourage sky high pricing. Now that we see Jacinda doing a direct hit with increasing taxes on speculators, only time will tell. I just know that doing nothing is the worse option.

  2. #772
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    Government may pay twice for carbon credits

    Agencies such as the police – which just contracted with Skoda to lease 2000 fossil-fuelled patrol cars – will need to buy carbon credits to offset their emissions in order to meet the Government's goal of making the public sector carbon-neutral by 2025.

    But a report by thinktank Motu queries whether an organisation can call itself carbon-neutral if its country – in this case New Zealand – also counts the same carbon-cutting actions towards meeting its international targets.

    The same issue could affect companies and brands such as Zespri, The Warehouse, Z Energy, Wellington Zoo, milk formula brand Karicare, and many others who’ve committed to voluntarily offsetting their emissions.

    Will semantics cost the country dearly?

  3. #773
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    @ Zaphod

    Gee the readers of Stuff might not understand it and take it as literally. While not everyone knows the difference, how can the article report the costing of 2 entirely different entities (NZ Police = a gov't organisation funded by NZ tax payers vs private companies like The Warehouse Group ???)

    Yes funny semantics!!

  4. #774
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Good to see Hipkins and Verrall getting their Covid shot too
    “ At the top of every bubble, everyone is convinced it's not yet a bubble.”

  5. #775
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBQ View Post
    @ Zaphod

    Gee the readers of Stuff might not understand it and take it as literally. While not everyone knows the difference, how can the article report the costing of 2 entirely different entities (NZ Police = a gov't organisation funded by NZ tax payers vs private companies like The Warehouse Group ???)

    Yes funny semantics!!
    Yeah, let's hope that common sense prevails. If the overall emissions profile of the country drops to the desired level, then hasn't the overall goal been achieved? I suspect Motu will be ignored.

    Sorry about derailing the property thread

  6. #776
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    3 and a half years after being elected on one of their flagship policies, Light Rail, our Labour Luvvies are putting it back to consultation. After blaming NZ First's handbrake they are now starting all over...which kinda says Winston was right doesn't it?

    How much has been spent on this debacle? And not one step closer than 3 and a half years ago. Is Phil Twyford still anywhere near this? You know, the guy Cindy promoted on the Party List?

  7. #777
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonu View Post
    Cindy better hope so. Personally I think other than the smitten, people are finally seeing through Cindy and her "kind" politics. Easy to be kind when you are printing money and dishing it out hand over fist. Not so easy to deal with the consequences of that.
    She has not cause to worry - plenty of people still like the PM smitten or not, and your lot has Collins?

  8. #778
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    Quote Originally Posted by tim23 View Post
    She has not cause to worry - plenty of people still like the PM smitten or not, and your lot has Collins?
    Who's my lot?

    I pointed out there's a lot to be concerned about with the toothy one. As in....has she got more than one competent Minister? I'll cut her some slack on Grant Robertson, but even he is skating on thinner ice.

    Andrew Little ..... a walking disaster looking for his next cockup. 50 million + poured down Pike River, grieving families played for political gain and nothing to show for it.
    Phil Twyford....promoted to No4 on the List for being a bigger cockup than Little.
    Meghan Woods....Housing Policy tracking along with the stellar performance of her predecessor.
    The other Woods who just referred their 2017 policy on Light Rail (meant to be complete about now) back for public consultation.

    That's just a sample.

  9. #779
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    Just to be clear....that is clearer than the Transport Minister, what follows is the monumental cockup that awaits us with Light Rail.

    No one yet appointed to run it.

    No entity decided upon to build it.

    No clear funding stream. Although Phil Goff is adamant it will be Central Government.

    All this after 3 and a half years of government policy that was to be complete in 2021.

    Go Cindy.... Let's do this.

    Let's see...we've had the year of consultations and reviews....we've had the "Year of Delivery" (Ahem), we've had the year of "Shovel Ready Projects". I know....we'll start all over again on Light Rail.. Just make bloody sure it doesn't track over Ihumatao....cos we all know we pinched money from somewhere else to cover my arse on that one....and that was meant to be for houses. Maybe we put tiny houses on Light Rail...that'll fool 'em....well maybe for long enough for me to bugger off before the **** hit s the fan.

    What's next on the "To Do" List? Child Poverdy? Oh ****, what's after that one?

  10. #780
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    From front of vaccine queue to back of queue.

    Another cock-up (one of the many screw ups) by Cindy & her team of incompetents.

    "In November, Health Minister Chris Hipkins announced "New Zealand will be at the front of the queue" for Covid vaccinations. Four and a half months later, it turns out we are closer to the back.

    There will not be a single new agency with extraordinary powers to carry out this massive and hopefully once-in-a-century task. The Government says it just doesn't do that sort of thing — a claim belied by the cruel hoax of Andrew Little's $50 million standalone Pike River Recovery Agency.

    Instead, the rollout is being managed on business-as-usual terms by a troika of the Ministry of Health, the 20 District Health Boards (DHBs) and iwi. These bureaucrats are the same lot responsible for the calamitous 2019 measles outbreak and the influenza vaccine shortage the same year."


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