Quote Originally Posted by FTG View Post
SBQ, why do persist to misquote other contributors? Do you do it deliberately, or is it because you just wish to proudly demonstrate your unwillingness and/or inability to look at things objectively?

best you read my post again slowwwwly.
It seems FTG again, is blinded at NZ's housing situation. 13 times incomes is a problem. Record # of families waiting for social housing. At least all my posts point to what other countries have done to address housing problems. The UN even knows NZ's housing problem is a unique situation that their rapporteur had to make bold comments again and again. The likes of FTG will never believe it.

So I ask a simple question - what is the NZ gov't going to do? If the whole country has voters like FTG, then nothing is going to happen and NZ will continue on to a path of oligarchy and feudalism.