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  1. #91
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Let's look at the economic backdrop in which NZME are trading & suddenly finding
    vision of newfound financial prosperity -

    * No overseas tourists
    * Hospitality & Tourism devoid of foreign patronage trying to reinvent themselves for local patrons
    * No overseas students coming in
    * A swathe of lay-offs & jobs gone / with some transition into lower skill jobs
    * An avalanche of cheap money out there
    * Residential Property & Sharemarket on fire
    * High & rising Residential Rents
    * Limitations on some Imports - Airfreight Space availability
    * A changed / very much reduced Marketplace for Advertising post Covid-19 IMO

    Little doubt there is pain in places out there - some businesses fighting for survival
    or closing up.

    In this sort of environment I may be wrong but see temporary bounce coming out of
    2 lock-downs in Auckland area - one elsewhere - but not necessarily longer sustained
    similar level of growth or the portrayed vision of grand financial prosperity for the
    NZME empire.

    What has happened all of a sudden to change things ? Money for Promotional out there
    & availability will have limitations (ie not a proverbial gold pot being poured regardless
    of results for advertisers into the NZME coffers)

    No real noticeable changes to formats of NZH or Local Rags - the online NZH
    with Premium content is bound to continue be turning off casual site visitors
    against the privatised NZ owned more viewer friendly Stuff who are far more generous
    with their Content & without the annoying NZH type pay to view doors and less
    Advertising content on their site pages.

    If it is indeed true the NZME future prosperity visions pan out & turn out to be on the money
    - then why haven't they done it sooner, as in many years ago ?

    Did some Aussie Investment Fund rock the NZME board table violently to wake everyone up
    to their expectations ? We know that the Investment Fund vultures have been playing - from reports
    filed of their holdings landing on NZX of recent times..

    At just 196.5 million shares NZME would appear to be susceptible to SP movements based on
    a bit of foreign vulture funds activity - wouldn't it ?
    Last edited by nztx; 16-11-2020 at 08:13 PM.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Hastings, , New Zealand.


    Good points & observations there nztx.

    It does seem an odd time to be pulling rabbits from the hat.

  3. #93
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Some counter arguments:

    * Booming property market will have a large impact. Property ads are a large source of their advertising dollars.

    * Online ad rates are at record levels.

    * Their subscription model might be working. Much of the worthwhile internet is disappearing behind paywalls normalising paying for content. This will only accelerate as privacy concerns place more restrictions on online advertising. NZME is well positioned for this.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Did anyone else note their treatment of the Wage Subsidies in their H1 results? I was surprised it was included in their 'Like for Like' revenue metrics and operating results. To me this is an exceptional item; quite a different H1 result without this.

    Disclaimer: recently sold at a healthy profit.
    Last edited by TheHunter; 17-11-2020 at 10:54 PM.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Now out & banked a good gain in excess of any invisible NZME possible Div - NZME has been very kind

    I have thoughts on whether the forward newfound prosperity being grasped at may in fact materialise
    so now watching from a safe distance .. & into better known prospects elsewhere
    Last edited by nztx; 18-11-2020 at 05:53 PM. Reason: add more

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Back from the Dead & looking forward:

    Buried deep in the rest of the Post Mortem & Future Crystal Ball spiel on the 31 December 2020 year here -



    "NZME reports 3% growth in 2020 Full Year Operating EBITDA1 to $67.3 million."

    "2020 Full Year Operating NPAT1 of $22.0 million and Operating Earnings per Share (“EPS”)1
    of 11.1 cents, an increase of 2.3 cents per share compared to 2019. "

    Well - with no im-pear-ments to make things look like a submarine - anything would be an improvement ..

    Net Debt reduced by $40.9 million to $33.8 million and leverage ratio reduced to 0.6 times Operating EBITDA1.

    Well where else would the Cash from operations go (unless someone took it out in their briefcases
    or the Business Reporters all needed new lappies & phones) ..

    "Given the significant reduction in debt, and based on this outlook and NZME’s capital requirements, the Board expects to be able to return to payment of dividends in the second half of 2021. "

    Let's repeat that one:

    "Given the significant reduction in debt, and based on this outlook and NZME’s capital requirements, the Board expects to be able to return to payment of dividends in the second half of 2021. "

    The influx of Vulture Funds camping up on the Share Register seem to like the look of things
    so maybe NZME is well on the track to normal existence again ..

    They're never wrong - are they or are they ?
    Last edited by nztx; 24-02-2021 at 07:02 PM. Reason: add more

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Looks like someone has developed a taste for a slice of Daily Rag & Radio empire - NZME recently ..

    or perhaps the Vulture Funds are back again playing 'stack a stake' ahead of NZM returning to Div Paying status ?
    Last edited by nztx; 02-07-2021 at 05:00 PM.

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    An interesting chart .. SP got kicked over the buck line in the past week

    looks like the Vulture Funds are having a good play with NZME ..

  9. #99
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2019


    NZ Herald readership growth hits new records
    Going from strength to strength.
    Good little write up about themselves.
    How many on this forum are subscribers as more and more ditch the paper and go online.

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Dlownz View Post
    NZ Herald readership growth hits new records
    Going from strength to strength.
    Good little write up about themselves.
    How many on this forum are subscribers as more and more ditch the paper and go online.
    I subscribe to the Herald.

    Initially I agreed to keep the Saturday paper delivery as there really is hardly any price difference between a straight digital sub or a digital sub + Saturday delivery.

    However, I was never reading the physical paper as I consume all my news online. After a while it got to the point where they would deliver the paper, I would go outside, pick it up and throw it straight in the recycling bin. The paper never even made it inside the house.

    So eventually I got off my a$$ and called them to cancel the physical paper. The guy was going to offer me the paper add on for even cheaper if I kept it going. But it really wasn't a price thing (as I say, the digital only sub is not that much cheaper). It's just that I never used the paper so it seemed so wasteful.

    Interesting that they still try to push the physical paper though.

    I can see oldies and businesses still wanting the physical paper. But the vast majority of people under 50 just want digital now I reckon.

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