Happy New Year.
A jump in price today, currently 80c up from previous close of 68c because Mercedes is using Brainchip's neuromorphic computing in its new concept electric car. Huge validation of Brainchip’s technology.

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The establishment strikes back, as the stunning EV shows what a legacy automaker is capable of.


Neuro what? Neuromorphic computing is a form of information processing whose hardware runs so-called spiking neural networks. These artificial neural networks mimic natural neural networks, firing only when certain thresholds are reached. Mercedes says the system reduces energy consumption "by orders of magnitude."

Mercedes engineers worked with California-based artificial-intelligence developer BrainChip to create systems based on the company's Akida hardware and software. Among other things, the technology makes the "Hey, Mercedes" voice control system in the EQXX five to ten times more efficient than conventional voice control.

Mercedes acknowledges that while neuromorphic computing is still in its infancy, it says similar systems will be available in a variety of consumer products within a few years. And when applied at scale throughout an electric vehicle, neuromorphic computing has the potential to significantly reduce the energy needed to run the latest artificial intelligence technologies.”