Poor old America...

The future of the world order is 'being decided in Ukraine' Kuleba says

Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba wrapped up his interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper this evening by providing a list of reasons as to why the United States should be be invested in the conflict in Ukraine.

First, in 1994 Ukraine abandoned its nuclear arsenal which was the third in size in the world ... We abandoned it in return for security guarantees issued in particular by the United States. We were promised that if anyone attacks us, the United States would be among countries who will be helping us.

Second, what is happening in Ukraine is not only about Ukraine. President Putin challenges Euro-Atlantic order. If the West fails in Ukraine, the next target of Putin will be one of the Nato members on its eastern flank.

Third, if Putin succeeds in Ukraine, other players across the globe who want to change rules, who want to bypass the United States, they will see that this is possible, that the West is incapable of defending what it stands for.

All in all ... Americans should be interested in keeping the world order as it stands and the future of this order is being decided right now in Ukraine.”