Quote Originally Posted by Getty View Post
Almost a carbon copy of what news sources were saying about Labour before election 5 years ago,

The difference was Labour had no decent MP;s to lose.

Jacinda was thrown into leadership in the run up to the election, when she didn't even want the job.

On election night results did not expect to be government.

Later, when National would not compromise on their principles, Winston sprung a surprise that Jacinda herself did not know, until the public announcement was made on TV, that Labour would be his coalition partner.

So in comes a ragtag group of supposed diversity.

Can anyone name any good ministers from that group, and what they have achieved, that otherwise would not have happened anyway?

Apart from anything else, Dr Sharma has shown that diversity is not necessarily a good fit with Labour, just shut up and hide in the corner, and we will wheel you out to stand behind the PM & nod when she's on TV talking about something that may affect the Asian community.

Charades anyone?

Now's good!
Post 2017 election it was all on and Labour would have been well prepared for government after all they were in coalition talks for some weeks with NZ First - that’s MMP for you National seem to forget that sometimes.