Quote Originally Posted by Airw0lf View Post
In playing around with Sharesight I have found a further issue. It looks like NZ RWT deductions aren't being calculated for foreign dividends (e.g., ASX and US stocks.) I have e-mailed support as this seems like a weird oversight.
I just looked at that since I had a US dividend paid today, and it looks like you're right. I can see the US witholding tax, but no New Zealand tax.

I suspect that it's a database design issue, and that "tax" can only be recorded once for a transaction - probably within the transaction detail table.

After a ten-minute-thought, I think that there would probably have to be a new table - "tax for transaction" or similar - which would be a major exercise to implement, especially in a multi-currency/multi-domicile environment.

Anyway, can you please let us know what they come back with.

PS the "hack" you found works just fine for me - thanks