  1. #20531
    Join Date
    Jul 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Akane View Post
    Imagine being so in love of a stock that "it can do no wrong", even tho it has lost >50% of it's value from ATH in less than a year.
    Fanboyism is real.
    I should've when it was dipping into the 15's, I guess I screwed up - at least I admit it when I made a (quite a few) bad calls!
    I appreciate Balance and Beagle's input, gives us all a reality check and calling a turd a turd, instead of clutching to straws.
    It’s very easy for people who aren’t invested and sitting on the sidelines to tell investors when to sell, end of the day it’s not their money. What’s true of forums, when the share price eventually increases, those saying sell quickly go quiet. They will gloat and shout from the roof tops while the share price is in decline, but the minute the tide turns, they quickly go silent.

    What I would say, there is a way to get various view points across without being derogatory and condescending. As I’ve said before, the time to gloat has long passed.

  2. #20532
    always learning ... BlackPeter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by porkandpuha View Post
    Nobody listens to you. You lost all credibility and respect with the condescending posts.
    Well, agreed, balance has sometimes a manner to repeat his message too often and too loud, and admittedly - sometimes he chooses quite ugly tones to convey what he wants to say. Sometimes it is as well that his personal views seem to get into the way of objectivity.

    Having said that - He often is right about the big picture, and not only in ATM would shareholders have saved lots of money if they would have listened to him. Is he always right? No, but I think his judgement related to stocks compares favorably with that of many professional analysts.

    Ignore his views if you like, but do so at your peril :

    Can we say the same about you? Not really - just another junior member who seems to see his or her main role in nagging ...

    Is attacking other posters all you've got? Why not show us some analysis and forecasts instead of just tearing down your fellow posters?

    Bullying others does not make this a better place. Play the ball and not the player ...
    "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future" (Niels Bohr)

  3. #20533
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gregnz View Post
    It’s very easy for people who aren’t invested and sitting on the sidelines to tell investors when to sell, end of the day it’s not their money. What’s true of forums, when the share price eventually increases, those saying sell quickly go quiet. They will gloat and shout from the roof tops while the share price is in decline, but the minute the tide turns, they quickly go silent.

    What I would say, there is a way to get various view points across without being derogatory and condescending. As I’ve said before, the time to gloat has long passed.
    Agree totally Greg.I have no problem with the B's expressing opinions,but when it crosses over to gloating or effectively bullying after the fact,it is just not acceptable.
    Bask in the warm glow knowing that your opinion was right,but leave it at that.When an sp goes down,there will always be someone hurting,for everyone that says I got out @ $20,means someone else is licking their wounds as they bought at that price.In this current environment,a lot of people could be quite fragile,may have invested redundancy funds etc,so being a smart arse could be quite detrimental to their mental health!!
    As a veeeery long term holder (in @ 10c prior to listing on main exchange) I have been thriugh ups and downs with this share,so battle hardened.It may never go back to its dizzy peaks but then again,it has many times before.
    My thoughts are with folk who are under water,not sure which way to go.
    In closing,stick to facts,end the gloating and 'shoulda listened' etc ,drop the emotive language..'disturbing' , 'dog stock','turd' etc.
    In the words of our leader...'be nice' :-)

  4. #20534
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    Quote Originally Posted by Balance View Post
    Another poster who would be saving himself a lot of grief if he had taken note of the warnings.
    You still haven't answer me whether : You are holding any shares or are you looking for cheap entry ???
    Last edited by tomm; 02-03-2021 at 01:16 PM.

  5. #20535
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akane View Post
    Imagine being so in love of a stock that "it can do no wrong", even tho it has lost >50% of it's value from ATH in less than a year.
    Fanboyism is real.

    I should've when it was dipping into the 15's, I guess I screwed up - at least I admit it when I made a (quite a few) bad calls!

    I appreciate Balance and Beagle's input, gives us all a reality check and calling a turd a turd, instead of clutching to straws.
    Appreciate their posts and hope they keep it up.
    I'm learning a lot from them. I will still hold for now although down, but have no issue with them saying told you so, as it reminds me to listen up and pay attention.

    Stop letting ego get in the way, whether you think they are putting you down or not it's free education whilst we hide behind our false forum names, not really worth all the tit for tat.
    As my Dad always says listen to the ones who have been there and done it, and learn from them. I'm.sure balance beagle and bull have all been in our positions and learnt from it also.

  6. #20536
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    You still haven't answer me whether : You are holding any shares or are you looking for cheap entry ???
    Refer my post #20469
    Last edited by Balance; 02-03-2021 at 01:38 PM.

  7. #20537
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    Jul 2004


    Sorry to interrupt the debate......

    Article on infant formula sales in China. Much of it quotes A2 and their report last week, but weren't alone in their CBEC and Daigou issues - Danone saying their CBEC sales down 45%.

    Daigou still slow: Infant nutrition brands driving sales at mother-and-baby stores, e-commerce in China (

  8. #20538
    Legend Balance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LEMON View Post
    As my Dad always says listen to the ones who have been there and done it, and learn from them.
    Sincerely wish I had a dad like yours.


  9. #20539
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sideshow Bob View Post
    Sorry to interrupt the debate......

    Article on infant formula sales in China. Much of it quotes A2 and their report last week, but weren't alone in their CBEC and Daigou issues - Danone saying their CBEC sales down 45%.

    Daigou still slow: Infant nutrition brands driving sales at mother-and-baby stores, e-commerce in China (
    Thanks for the link. I'm sure this is the best opportunity for newly started CEO take a fresh perspective on yester business model and make necessary shifts in order to future proof business going forward so that reliance on one channel doesn't hurt earnings in a meaningful way.

    I still feel Mr Hearn's time's up...move along and let new thinking lead the Board and Company.

  10. #20540
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    Quote Originally Posted by LEMON View Post
    .... have no issue with them saying told you so, as it reminds me to listen up and pay attention.......
    Yes, its a good thing for those of us who made the mistake of buying into the falling share price and then held on to the bitter end during the downtrend. Its like after school tuition for slow learners. The main lesson is watching the share price slide and your money evaporate, that's the classroom message for the whole class. "Don't buy a falling knife" and "wait until there is a confirmed uptrend to buy". Then, after school when all the smart kids get to go home, us slower learners get to stay back for an evening tuition with the 3Bs. It's sort of one-on-one where you can ask questions but in a forum setting. " the falling knife thing....thats....thats.."

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