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  1. #11
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    Lol sorry but no matter what you or the media or national stooges etc say or think or summarise we will just have to wait on winston first ;that sums it up really.

  2. #12
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
    Shaw is the most pig-headedness of them all
    I think James Shaw is wonderful. He is a principled man who is committed to shifting the wealth from the haves to the have-nots. And totally dedicated to ensuring the dream of being carbon free remains a dream and if our rivers ever needed a loud voice his will be much louder in offices that used to be filled with more people. Parliament I think needs Bridesmaids and there is no-one more practiced at this than James and his Crew.

    And isn't it wonderful that Met Tu can spend some time in her castle in Dunedin. Frolicking around a big old stone building might be good practice for whatever her future may bring her.

  3. #13
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post

    I heard today a summary of all the things they've managed to accomplish whilst not in Government,
    I like Lists - especially short ones

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    Lol sorry but no matter what you or the media or national stooges etc say or think or summarise we will just have to wait on winston first ;that sums it up really.
    I feel for those silly Winston first MPs sitting around all day talking about Allah knows what, pretending to decide who will be the government, when Winston knows already, but the miserable old bathplug won't tell them.

  5. #15
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    Greens almost certainly will get anther seat; if Labour do too that will certainly be a boost for their chances. A one seat majority wouldn't cut it.

  6. #16
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joshuatree View Post
    Greens almost certainly will get anther seat; if Labour do too that will certainly be a boost for their chances. A one seat majority wouldn't cut it.
    Lets assume you are right. That would give a Labour (46 seats) / Green (8 seats) / NZ First (9 Seats) coalition of 63 seats. National (56 seats) and ACT (1 Seat) would be in opposition with 57 seats. Giving a the Coalition a 3 seat buffer.

    This means for the coalition to work there cant be any more than 2 fruitloops (oops I mean people with integrity and a conscience) in the coalition who are a risk of crossing the house. Bwahahaha

  7. #17
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Anyone here prepared to pick Greens ending up with 9 seats and NZ First with 9 as well?

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by minimoke View Post
    Lets assume you are right. That would give a Labour (46 seats) / Green (8 seats) / NZ First (9 Seats) coalition of 63 seats. National (56 seats) and ACT (1 Seat) would be in opposition with 57 seats. Giving a the Coalition a 3 seat buffer.

    This means for the coalition to work there cant be any more than 2 fruitloops (oops I mean people with integrity and a conscience) in the coalition who are a risk of crossing the house. Bwahahaha
    It's odds on that we normally have a byelection or two in each cycle.

    Fortuitously, since neither the Greens or NZFirst won an electorate seat, it would only be a Labour seat that potentially would be lost that would halve the projected majority or make it disappear in a bare majority situation.

    Labour won few rural seats apart from West Coast so it's the Auckland Mount electorates, Beltway seats, Christchurch and Dunedin that they need to shore up...

    And hope no Labour/Green or NZ First backbencher crosses the floor - remember Labour were exposed over foreshore and seabed when Turia resigned Parliament and won the byelection as an independent.

    I don't think she was a fruitloop at all. Even if you don't agree with her politics, she had the integrity to resign, seek and have an elected mandate to resume in Parliament and did a deal with the Key government.

    If there is a left bloc, they'd better be mindful that they pay more than lip service to Treaty and Maori issues because the clean sweep of the Maori seats is both a strength and a weakness.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rep View Post

    If there is a left bloc, they'd better be mindful that they pay more than lip service to Treaty and Maori issues because the clean sweep of the Maori seats is both a strength and a weakness.
    And that left bloc need to be mindful of NZ First stated policy which is:


    • Māori don’t need the Māori seats. They don’t need tokenism. That is why we commit to a referendum of all electors to retain or abolish the Māori seats.


    • Ensure that all policy-making is based on need and not on race, creed or colour.
    • Restructure the Ministry for Māori Development.
    • End Whanau Ora and redirect resources into programmes that work for all Māori.
    • Encourage Māori to build houses on collectively owned land.
    • Strengthen the structures of the Māori Women's Welfare League, Māori Wardens and Te Kōhanga Reo.
    • Address entrenched problems associated with the rating of multiple owned Māori land and rates remission.
    • Ensure that the role of the Māori Language Commission is focused on actively protecting Māori language and culture, not under the guise of a Treaty obligation, but rather because they are the indigenous language and culture of New Zealand.


    • The Treaty should be a source of national pride and unity and not used to expand the separate rights of Māori or anyone else.
    • The Treaty is not part of the New Zealand Constitution. It is not capable of supporting the extraction of so-called ‘principles’ for any legislative or government purpose. Ill-defined and abstract ‘principles’ are a recipe for legal and constitutional misunderstanding and dispute.
    • The Waitangi Tribunal must fully, fairly and finally complete the settlement of all outstanding claims. New Zealand First believes in the concept of a fair go for all New Zealanders and this includes settling genuine historical grievances.

    And best I dont say anymore on those Maori seats or how these policie could play out as it will only get me into trouble

  10. #20
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Greens just gifted National their questions during Question Time. That will put a dampen on Green MP exposure. Must be some quid pro quo in there somewhere. Labour / NZ First ought to be a bit worried

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