Quote Originally Posted by allfromacell View Post
I get the anger around these changes but I think something had to be done to help curb the demand side of the equation. For whatever reason people in this country are property obsessed and for a lot of them buying houses is the only way they know how to grow their wealth, the fomo these last 12 months has quite frankly been terrifying.

The housing crisis is exactly that, a very real crisis and imo needs bold and creative policy, it needs to be taken as seriously as covid has been, after all it's shelter and the impact on our society is enormous.

Supply side obviously needs more work, but fortunately consents and completions are all approaching record highs and are at levels not seen for many years. RMA reform's are hopefully positive and can further boost the supply side of the equation.

All in all I get why people consider this an attack on them but I do support the government taking bold unique action on this very serious issue, I imagine very few posters on this website will agree.
I don't. I imagine most posters will agree the govt. needs to take some action. What most will disagree with, I think, will be the particular actions they have chosen to take.