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Thread: Pegasus Town

  1. #81
    Senior Member
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    Auckland, New Zealand.


    Right booked a trip for later this year.
    What is ppl's view on Woodend and Loburn?

    “If you're worried about falling off the bike, you’d never get on.”

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Footsie View Post
    Right booked a trip for later this year.
    What is ppl's view on Woodend and Loburn?

    Nice areas.With the price you are looking to spend I think you will be surprised with what you will get.Some beautiful lifestyle blocks to choose from.Loburn is lovely with rolling countryside.Prices not so high as Ohoka.
    Last edited by percy; 31-08-2010 at 06:10 PM.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Footsie View Post
    Right booked a trip for later this year.
    What is ppl's view on Woodend and Loburn?


    Both cover reasonably large areas so you will find nice places in both. Woodend is coastal so be careful of the easterly wind there - it can turn nice days frigid and was one of the most noticable things when we moved inland.

    Some parts of Canterbury are 'damp' which in our terms means swamp. Certainly significant parts of Woodend, Ohoka and then Tai Tapu, Greenpark etc can be very wet.

    Whilst no commute will be of Auckland proportions, think about the route you need to take. Woodend will consign you to the full northern motorway whilst from Loburn you will join all of the Rangiora commute down Lineside Road which can be a bit painful. Ohoka and similar will be much better as you will join near the end of the northern motorway. A lot depends where you are going to.

    Not sure when 'later this year' is but if I am about would be happy to show you around a bit if that is of any help.

    As Percy said, with that sort of budget I would expect you will have plenty of choice.



  4. #84
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    Thought I would try and pick some your brains about the current subdivsions in Christchurch.

    We are currently looking at building our first house. Originally we liked the idea of Gainsborough out in West Melton,
    but the more we look into it the more we think its probably just out of our reach, mainly due to having to have a minmum size house of 250m. So, insteaad of this we are considering looking in town for a smaller section, 650m+, building a high spec home, trying to pay off what mortgage we would have in the next 5 years, then look to sell and build a bigger house on a bigger section.

    Out of the main subdivisons in CHCH, which would you consider the best bet for holding and increasing in value. We have looked at the following, and these are our current thoughts:

    Aidanfield- nice, but the motorway going in the back of it could be a concern for trying to sell in the future??

    Delamain- those powerlines that run through are a big turn off, but if we were far enough away from them it could perhaps be a option.

    Linden grove- relatively cheap, but borders on Sunnyside mental health hospital, so not to keen.

    Northwood- neither here nor there at the moment, pretty neutral, seem to be paying a bit of a premium..(then again is it a case of you get what you pay for??)

    Burwood/Waitikiri- too pricey for what they seem to want/hard to find any sections for sale at all.

    Are there any others that we should be considering? We have looked at Rolleston as well, but really didnt like the feel of it compared to West Melton, so have pretty rules that out which is a shame as theres some cheap dirt out there.

    Any thoughts or advice anyone could give us?
    Our budget for house and land is 500k.


  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by goyougoodthing View Post
    Thought I would try and pick some your brains about the current subdivsions in Christchurch.

    We are currently looking at building our first house. Originally we liked the idea of Gainsborough out in West Melton,
    but the more we look into it the more we think its probably just out of our reach, mainly due to having to have a minmum size house of 250m. So, insteaad of this we are considering looking in town for a smaller section, 650m+, building a high spec home, trying to pay off what mortgage we would have in the next 5 years, then look to sell and build a bigger house on a bigger section.

    Out of the main subdivisons in CHCH, which would you consider the best bet for holding and increasing in value. We have looked at the following, and these are our current thoughts:

    Aidanfield- nice, but the motorway going in the back of it could be a concern for trying to sell in the future??

    Delamain- those powerlines that run through are a big turn off, but if we were far enough away from them it could perhaps be a option.

    Linden grove- relatively cheap, but borders on Sunnyside mental health hospital, so not to keen.

    Northwood- neither here nor there at the moment, pretty neutral, seem to be paying a bit of a premium..(then again is it a case of you get what you pay for??)

    Burwood/Waitikiri- too pricey for what they seem to want/hard to find any sections for sale at all.

    Are there any others that we should be considering? We have looked at Rolleston as well, but really didnt like the feel of it compared to West Melton, so have pretty rules that out which is a shame as theres some cheap dirt out there.

    Any thoughts or advice anyone could give us?
    Our budget for house and land is 500k.

    Paul.I will start it off and hope more experienced posters point out my mistakes.
    I take it you are young and will have children.I would first of all check out if it is cheaper to build rather than buy an existing house.I think if you went into any of those areas you mentioned, and said you were looking to buy a house you would not come out alive.!!!.I know there are a lot of houses for sale in Aidanfield and Rolleston. In fact I think a lot are rented out as they cannot be sold.Areas come and go but new areas do not hold resale value.Schools,or more to the point school areas are very important.Boys High school zone,GHS zone.Cashmere High school zone.Riccarton High School.
    Thornington,Russley,Cashmere,Halswell,,Yaldhurst,p rimary schools have excellent names and people will pay a premiun for a house in those zones.Hornby high School ,Aranui,Mairehau,Linwood college zones are poor real estate areas.

  6. #86
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goyougoodthing View Post
    Thought I would try and pick some your brains about the current subdivsions in Christchurch.
    Paul - I agree with Percy. We need to get a feel for what your broader circumstances are. School zones are very important for capital value. Teh commute in a few years wil be imporatns. What you do in your spare time is important - theres just load of factors. You also probably need ot think not so much about what you want - but wha twill the next buyer of your "hopme" want - are you going to build the right house whcih will appeal to teh next buyer.

    Regardless of circumstances I'd stay well clear of Aidnfield (apologies to any posters here that live there). It has pockets of Housing NZ properties and I see this as Coronation Street / Linwood of the future. As for Linden Grove - what are people thinking - flash houses in a poxy area - theres a good reason why they are relatively cheap. Look to them to loose value over time.

    "Time" will become a commodity in the future (if it isn't already so) so think about how much time it will take to do things from the house you build. West Meltons not bad cos you ahve a relatively striaght run into town and avoind hte main arterial routes - so what about somewhere a bit closer and not so much in a "subdivision". I haven't been to delamaine for a while and the power lines are an issue - but don't forget Fendalton has a main line train track running through it. Dealamaine is in Hornby High zone - and theres a reason they take out of zone kids without a ballot. Wherever you are in Christchurch you have problems. Flight path in one part of town, cold easterleis in another, train tracks, power lines, motorways elsewhere - you need to pick the lowest impact for maximum gain.

    You're not going to build a high spec home (+ land) for $500k - so make sure you don't over capitalise with fittings.

    I'm in the NW of town so have a bias towards that area. But I've had rentals in Avonside. I've a soft spot for that area - you may find potential there.

  7. #87
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    Thanks Percy and minimoke for the replies and opinions.

    We are currently in our late twenties, and planning for kids in the next couple of years, so a good primary school is a big must have for us at the moment. The secondary school isnt such a big issue I guess for now, as that is still 15 years or so away, and we would ideally be sending them to a private school, however i guess if there was a top notch public school it could save us a lot of money.

    Living out of town would be our preferred option, however we dont like Rolleston, living north (Rangiora) would be fin, but the traffic into town in the morning is horrific so that rules that out for us. West melton way was the pick of the bunch as you get the piece and quiet of the country, but still only 10 minutes to the outskirts fo town. Another option I guess could be Prebleton which again is pretty close to the CBD.

    If we do end up building the idea would be looking to build a very family friendly type home so that it would be attractive to buyers when we came to sell it. What would be a realistic budget for building, I see so many different figures from each company its hard to know what the true cost is, especially when some include things that others don't and so on. Minimoke, I take it you have have built before, so perhaps could you give a guide? From looking at the home building companys, they seem to range from 1100 a meter, up to around 2000 for a ultra high spec house, we have found quite a few round that 1200-1300 that we really like the spec of, but I half exepct there to be lots of hidden costs which will quickly bump the price up.

    Hmmm, to think initially I thought building would be a easy straight forward process, find a section, build a house, how wrong I am

  8. #88
    Member Kees's Avatar
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    if you like being by the water etc try brooklands few section left including my own.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees View Post
    if you like being by the water etc try brooklands few section left including my own.
    We did see some big sections out there for a reasonable price. How long is the commute to town on a weekday morning?

  10. #90
    Legend minimoke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goyougoodthing View Post
    Thanks Percy and minimoke for the replies and opinions.

    We are currently in our late twenties, and planning for kids in the next couple of years,
    So first up is maternity care. Rangiora hospital is not open in teh middle of the night. Lincoln is apparently pretty good.
    so a good primary school is a big must have for us at the moment.
    So what are your kids going to do. swimming lessons - how far to the pool. Football, rugby, tennis etc - all pretty well represented in the rural areas. But you will be travelling. Great opportunities in rural primary schools - but not as many as city based ones. Look for land close to the school or on the school bus route.

    The secondary school isnt such a big issue I guess for now, as that is still 15 years or so away, and we would ideally be sending them to a private school, however i guess if there was a top notch public school it could save us a lot of money.
    yea - its loads of time away. As long as you actively plan to move (which you probably will after that period of time) intoa zone with a decent school. Private school is a good idea. The quality of their drugs is much better than public schools.

    West melton way was the pick of the bunch as you get the piece and quiet of the country, but still only 10 minutes to the outskirts fo town. Another option
    Not a bad choice Yaldhurst would also be an option.

    If we do end up building the idea would be looking to build a very family friendly type home so that it would be attractive to buyers when we came to sell it.
    Good idea. But don't make it too "family friendly" - your ideas may not be the same as future buyers.
    What would be a realistic budget for building,
    Hard to say - I haven't looked closely in the past year or so. Last build I did was 350sqm a few years ago and worked out around $1,500 a sqm for a pretty well spec'ed place (solar energy, double glaze, Cat5 everywhere etc). Finished a reno which came in around $2,000 a sqm - but I added 180sqm and its ended up pretty high spec - but not ultra high spec (what ever that means). A reno is generally more expensive than a new build.

    I see so many different figures from each company its hard to know what the true cost is, especially when some include things that others don't and so on.
    Some companies aim to build to build 10 houses and get enough revenue from 9 new home owners to fund the build. That means they get a house for free to flick on. Plus they get economies of sale in bulk buying. I used to be firmly of the view it was impossible to build at $1100 a sqm - the result would be a crap house built too cheaply. I don't know what that figure would be now. One thing is for sure though - the moment you change the very slightest thing on a building company's plan (and you will!) you will get stung for it. With a building company you will, generally know your full costs up front. If you go with a builder (my preferred option) you'll have your hand in your pocket all the time - so allow 10 - 20% extra.
    Last edited by minimoke; 03-09-2010 at 02:29 PM. Reason: quotes


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