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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobdn View Post
    I have a whopping 15 Apple shares bought at $460US. Hugely exciting things happening.
    Wow, those 15 will soon be 105.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santiago View Post
    Wow, those 15 will soon be 105.
    Fantastic. A good old fashioned share split.

  3. #13
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    Similarly to Bob, I have a whopping 20 shares in AAPL, bought back in early 2007. This was an interesting stock to hold.

    Initially bought 25 shares as a holding for my growth portfolio, which constitutes about 10% of my total investment funds. The other 90% are in dividend growth stocks.
    Watched AAPL go all the way up to $665 when it was the market darling, and then watched it as it started to fall. Sold 5 shares at $450 per share to recoup my original cost of capital. Kept the remainder as "house money" and proceeded to watch it fall to under $400, then recover.

    Just as I started to think about selling out and put the proceeds into other growth opportunities, Tim Cook announced a fairly decent sized dividend. It worked out to be something like a 10% dividend yield based on my original cost of capital (not current share price). So I moved it out of my growth portfolio into my dividend portfolio where it still lives today.

    So with the current announcements, I most excited about the 8% increase in quarterly dividend. AAPL is proving to be a great dividend-growth stock, and one of my favourites. Who would've thought !

  4. #14
    Speedy Az winner69's Avatar
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    Apple buys Beats and makes Dr Dre the worlds first billionaire rapper

    Only petty cash these few billions but maybe a sign Apple is a bit lost these days

  5. #15
    Legend peat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by winner69 View Post
    Apple buys Beats and makes Dr Dre the worlds first billionaire rapper

    Only petty cash these few billions but maybe a sign Apple is a bit lost these days

    "It's hard to understand why Apple would have to spend $3 billion on a nascent streaming service and a line of bass-heavy headphones,"
    For clarity, nothing I say is advice....

  6. #16
    Senior Member ananda77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peat View Post
    "It's hard to understand why Apple would have to spend $3 billion on a nascent streaming service and a line of bass-heavy headphones,"
    ...because Apple is desperate for market share

    IMHO, the stock split points to a massive change within Apple. It could very well mean, to make the stock look cheap for Joe Bloke who buys and the insiders sell

    Apples market share remains steady at 10% of global mobile phone sales with competition to Apples 'local storage' strategy under threat form Android in combination with the Google Cloud

    Local Storage in the age of mobile is extremely expensive as it requires a long hardware chain. Opposite to that reigns the power and intelligence of the Google Cloud accessible with any run of the mill cell but delivering the same results as local storage
    No problem to connect the cell via MHL to a big screen (any brand) and use Google Drives sheets, documents etc, etc free of charge. No save required, no hassle with crashes, no start-up waste of time, no nonsense, if the bell rings here it automatically rings there -thats stone age nonsense-
    ...and to make the bell ring here = NZD1200, to automatically ring it there = NZD 3200
    ...of course the Apple screens are so small its impossible to do some decent work on the go but there is the pad = NZD 800
    Apple has been very successful into deceiving customers into this strategy, but I feel, the deceptive days are counted and hopefully consumers and businesses just say Good Bye

    At the same time, Apple finds itself light years behind the curve in terms of Cloud and iOS8 in that respect is no more than an indication of an epic failure and desperate attempt to catch up
    ...In reality, IOS8 does not offer anything Android and Google served as standard diet for the last two years...but Apple fan boys girls get very exited and brainwashed to believe they are at the front of modern mobile

    Apple finally had to realise, the power and intelligence of today is not in a machine but in the CLOUD

    At this stage, Apple has to re-invent: anything from bigger screens, cheaper phones (5c a start -not cheap but already plastic-) and cloud...and the competition is fierce and relentless.

    Even with iOS8, there is nothing remotely intelligent that GOOGLE NOW can't blow out of the water. Furthermore, the Android heavyweights hit hard into Apples traditional hardware strength with undeniable success. There is nothing even remotely in the Apple hardware line-up like the Note3 Supermachine

    Anyway, a lot of uncertainty surrounds this stock and the way they move for example in respect to bigger screens does not inspire a lot of confidence. As a matter of fact, they most likely will remain a niche player unable to break the Android Google CLOUD lock

    kind regards
    Last edited by ananda77; 15-06-2014 at 08:14 AM.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ananda77 View Post
    Apple finds itself light years behind the curve in terms of Cloud and iOS8
    Light years?

    Cloud and iOS8 in that respect is no more than an indication of an epic failure
    Slightly premature to call an unreleased mobile operating system an epic failure.

    Apple fan boys girls get very exited and brainwashed
    Could you expand on the brainwashing please.

    Apple finally had to realise, the power and intelligence of today is not in a machine but in the CLOUD.
    Apple stated in 2011 that they were demoting the physical devices and that the cloud was now the centre of their strategy, replacing the digital hub strategy introduced in 2001. Sure they missed with iCloud at the first attempt but it is slowly and steadily improving.

    iOS8, there is nothing remotely intelligent that GOOGLE NOW can't blow out of the water.

    Android heavyweights hit hard into Apples traditional hardware strength with undeniable success.
    How does the profit share look in mobile devices?

    Note3 Supermachine
    I Googled this and couldn’t find a device named the “Note3 Supermachine.” Did you just leak an unreleased product?

    At this stage, Apple has to re-invent: anything from bigger screens … bigger screens does not inspire a lot of confidence.
    You start off with Apple needing to reinvent [itself?] by making devices with larger screens and then state that in doing so you wouldn’t have confidence in them.

    remain a niche player unable to break the Android Google CLOUD lock
    Is Apple a niche player?

  8. #18
    Senior Member ananda77's Avatar
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    pknz, googled note3 supermachine with two hits. It's the Samsung Note series in its 3rd generation -a machine unlike anything else on the market. I work with one and it's like anything else on the market - after i4S that's bliss

    ... Note4 out in September (confirmed) just in time to take the breath out of a possible i6 5.5'' (unconfirmed)

    Of course I have no confidence in Apple forward because looking back, am not ever going to put up with inferior so-called top-end products after it took Apple light years to realise the need for bigger screens

    So IOS8 a giant release in the words of Cook, yes: healthkit, homekit, etc, move on, that's history in
    the Android/Google world

    kind regards
    Last edited by ananda77; 16-06-2014 at 02:14 PM.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ananda77 View Post
    pknz, googled note3 supermachine with two hits. It's the Samsung Note series in its 3rd generation -a machine unlike anything else on the market

    ... Note4 out in September (confirmed) just in time to take the breath out of a possible i6 5.5'' (unconfirmed)

    Of course I have no confidence in Apple forward because looking back, am not ever going to put up with inferior so-called top-end products after it took Apple light years to realise the need for bigger screens

    So IOS8 a giant release in the words of Cook, yes: healthkit, homekit, etc, move on, that's history in
    the Android/Google world

    kind regards
    Could you provide a link to the Note 3 Supermachine? TIA.

    The rest of that sounds like an Android v iOS rant. Very little about AAPL. I thought this was not a tech forum?

  10. #20
    Senior Member ananda77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by macduffy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by pknz View Post
    Could you provide a link to the Note 3 Supermachine? TIA.

    The rest of that sounds like an Android v iOS rant. Very little about AAPL. I thought this was not a tech forum?
    This is share trader. co. nz where people get information that helps making investment decisions. And so far, Apple for me at this stage is not a good investment because all of the above. Of course what mobile suits one best is a very personal experience.

    kind regards


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