Thanks all, your time and effort is appreciated, certainly not averse to risk, probably should have made that a bit clearer. In fact, happy to take some initial risk and then to tail it off after a few years.

Also should have stated I've had some property investments in the past (residential real estate) but I found it required a fair bit of time investment (even with a property manager, don't get me started on that...) and I really don't want to be "that" actively involved again. Do understand commercial could require less involvement (I currently own my own business and lease a building, astonishing how much the tenant is responsible for compared to residential!!). I do have some strong contacts in commercial real estate in the area I live so I'll give that a crack and see what turns up. Possibly a motel as I live in a holiday town.

Thanks all and still happy to hear contributions. Are there any experts in NZ that anyone can recommend talking to? I don't mind spending some money up front to get good advice.