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11-04-2014, 02:04 PM
Always good to read an article reinforcing why you hold a stock ... A few ups and downs on the way character building stuff.


14-04-2014, 01:16 PM
be interesting to see what Mobile Embrace does late this afternoon, might pick up some more to hedge my losses already on this stock.... looking at 6 months charts, perfect entry point now. It was 20cents or so prior to the announcement regarding Singtel, mobile advertising contract... You would assume that this Singtel relationship has developed and Mobile Embrace are puting those funds to good use. Agree 20-21cents seem to be the floor and the big boys have sucked out all the nervous sellers.

MKB is an even more specualtive story but Fosters Broker report did give it some crediblilty and def tempted me to invest some motnhs ago...

15-04-2014, 08:08 AM
looks like Facebook getting into the mobile payments arena.... little bounce off 4000 support today on NASDAQ

15-04-2014, 01:44 PM
Not looking good short term

Might get my 17/18 cents after all

But buying wold have to be on the rise

15-04-2014, 02:04 PM
winner how do you get that.
Has found all the support in the world at 21cps even under tech sell off.
are you just stirring the pot again

Appreciate that it is hanging in there around 21 mark but 17/18 looks a more logical support mark

Last Dec there was a capitulation day at high 17 before it climbed to the high 30s, maybe that might happen again. Good trade that was

Maybe wishful thinking on my part as well .....still want more of the action, a MBE junkie almost.

Moosie convinced me MBE was better than SNK when MBE was 2 something. Don't have any at he mo but looking

16-04-2014, 02:52 PM
IOOF Holdings, with Perennial Investment Partners, State Street, NAB, Citigroup and BNP all ngoing above the 5% threshold in the past few days. Some nice, strong holders if I ever saw them right there! Also appear to be our 30 cent cappers looking at the sell orders ;)

Is it a concern that these guys seem to be trading the stock so much? Be a comfort if they were in for the long term but they seem to buy then dump. Manipulating is probably too strong a word for it, but what do you think? Are they the reason the SP has struggled lately?

16-04-2014, 06:45 PM
me thinks the worm has turned and winner69 has missed the boat at peer 21.

Not too worried about missing the boat at peer 21 ......not going too fast is it

So could wait for it sink or catch up at pier 23.......or maybe look around for a faster boat than this slow boat

The Big Ease
17-04-2014, 03:33 AM
IOOF Holdings, with Perennial Investment Partners, State Street, NAB, Citigroup and BNP all ngoing above the 5% threshold in the past few days. Some nice, strong holders if I ever saw them right there! Also appear to be our 30 cent cappers looking at the sell orders ;)

where did you get this info from?

Could you post the data please?
Holder and % held would be helpful.


17-04-2014, 08:11 AM
good little bounce on the cards today prior to Easter celebrations!:)

17-04-2014, 07:09 PM
Not too worried about missing the boat at peer 21 ......not going too fast is it

So could wait for it sink or catch up at pier 23.......or maybe look around for a faster boat than this slow boat

I got to Pier 23 but must have just missed the MBE boat .... they tell me it is returning to Pier 21 to pick up the stragglers

22-04-2014, 07:08 PM
Now trading back above 10 day MA which is a key indicator for short term traders. Lookimg for a break of PSAR @ 23.5 tomorrow for a confirmation of the uptrend on stronger volume. Macro environment looking a bit better now so no reason why it shouldn't!

I see it has tied up for the night at Pier 23

Getting a bit worried about all the new passengers getting on board .....looking a bit like a Korean ferry at the moment

Still looking around for a faster boat ....reckon I will find one soon ....if not with a storm brewing out yonder might just be safer on land anyway

22-04-2014, 08:01 PM
Didn't hop on board the Xero train today then winner?

You should know me better than that moosie - not a day to day trader ......and now only interested in XRO if it can be a multibagger and it not going to be a multibagger from 30 bucks

Like the fun has gone from MBE it no longer a multibagger either .... the 12 bag return was good fun .... from 23 probably double you money is best one can do in the next year but that is fraught with risk ..... even though greenscreen (or was it bluescreen) said MBE be over a buck by Xmas .... analysts told him so must be true

Still don't really under the real drivers of how they make money

23-04-2014, 09:29 AM
You should know me better than that moosie - not a day to day trader ......and now only interested in XRO if it can be a multibagger and it not going to be a multibagger from 30 bucks

Getting slightly OT, but what are the other multibaggers around that have a semi-decent shot? I sold out of XRO at $40 to take some risk off the table and at the time thought it was unlikely it would double in price compared to other stocks. Like you say the situation is also similar for MBE.

Now I'm scratching my head looking for other options but nothing jumping out at me. Everything seems highly priced.

23-04-2014, 10:45 AM
Getting slightly OT, but what are the other multibaggers around that have a semi-decent shot? I sold out of XRO at $40 to take some risk off the table and at the time thought it was unlikely it would double in price compared to other stocks. Like you say the situation is also similar for MBE.

Now I'm scratching my head looking for other options but nothing jumping out at me. Everything seems highly priced.

That's the problem at the moment eh .... probably need to get down into the new listings or sleeping dogs who have changed their business money or the next new fad when it appears

These spec stocks have to look for multibaggers .... some do mature into strong growing businesses which are worth keeping in the non spec part of the portfolio

23-04-2014, 07:35 PM
I saw the good ship MBE leave Pier 23, waved goodbye and wished her bon voyage with a little tear in my eye thinking I might never see her again. She was fun to have around.

However she didn't seem to have enough grunt to overcome the incoming ebb tide and she drifted back into the harbour and currently anchoring ofe Pier 22

Overnight they deciding whether to put her into the dry dock for major repairs to her engines or just scuttle her where she is.

Methinks she needs the bigger engines and more grunt just top get out of the harbour .... looking a bit like a South Korean ferry at the moment

23-04-2014, 07:40 PM
Expecting some good news then Perennial?


Good article

Makes me feel rather proud/clever at selling at 29/30 a while ago

Makes you wonder why anybody bought at this level though - those guys must have sucked a few in back in

24-04-2014, 12:29 PM
FB beating earnongs guidance by a wide margin led by mobile ad growth. Very nice.
Just another thing going for this stock. All about patience. Ive never seen a stock this obviously accumulated and manipulated. even on close yesterday there was sell 10000 at 22.5 and 9999 at 23 closing lower.

The Big Ease
24-04-2014, 11:50 PM
Facebook released smashing results overnight - (https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=facebook+earnings&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb&gfe_rd=cr&ei=KPpYU4GOJMTR8ge2_IC4Ag#channel=sb&q=facebook+earnings&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&safe=off&tbm=nws)

steve fleming
27-04-2014, 09:28 PM
Bell Potter put out an update to their initial research a week or so ago, when they talked about the share price fall being way overdone....

I found their comments about m-payments business very interesting:

"One of the largest generators of these transactions is the games app for mobile devices called “NoLimitsGames”. This app currently has c.21,000 subscribers who pay $5 per week for access to 50 or more games and includes the popular Flappy Bird game which was recently removed from Apple’s app store. Flappy Bird is a key driver of this growth (particularly since it was removed from the app store) but another also appears to be the promotion of the app on the Telstra Bigpond mobile website. The growth in subscribers to this app is one of the drivers of our forecast increase in average weekly transactions although Mobile Embrace has indicated that it expects to release other apps. MBE has not disclosed specific details of these apps but has indicated that some will be tailored apps for corporates looking to sell their products."

So a couple of very interesting things there:

Telstra's advertisment of the app will be incredibly powerful and makes a lot of sense - Telstra gets a % of the sign up fee, and obviously usage eats up the customers download. If MBE can leverage off Telstras and other carriers advertising, then that is a massive distribution plank

Its pretty obvious now that MBE's m-advertising and m-payments operations will converge, as MBE develops apps for retailers etc looking to sell products, and then take a commission on sales value

30-04-2014, 12:42 PM
Right, after reading an article this weekend about ASX manipulation and seeing it first hand on MBE I have exited my position at 22.5 (just in time it seems!). Sick of holding an underperforming stock that is clearly run by the big boys. Still a good longterm hold, but there is money to be made elsewhere!

That's sad Moosie

I am waiting at Pier 23 still .... still might get on the boat

30-04-2014, 01:12 PM
yeah def needs some direction or guidance from mgmt - im holding longterm so all good, plenty of growth ahead. Come on announcement!

30-04-2014, 01:18 PM
Being patient doesn't seem to suit you moosie. It always seems to end in tears (metaphorical that is). I was surprised you hung on to your MBE shares for so long

I sense that if you are to continue with shares you want plenty of action, like buy on the open sell at 11 sort of stuff.

A lot of the things you say will happen seem to happen ....wouldn't you be happier doing that then just liking at a share for months going up and down in half cent increments.

Whatever you do hope it turns out ....but whatever never go long on XRO for more than a few days, no matter how good the story.

01-05-2014, 10:10 AM
Yup every time I go long I end up losing (funny that!). I'll stick to what I know and play the very short term gain.

Cheers to everyone on here, I'll stick around still as I still believe in the companies model ;)

all good Moosie good luck with the short terming. Always appreciate your thoughts esp as I am an inexperienced punter/investor. See that Spotify signed an agreement with Sprint so hopefully Mobile Embrace/Sprint agreement going good too.:D

05-05-2014, 01:08 PM
Syniverse signed up in Europe for DC billing. Figires right after I sell up!

plenty of time to buy back in .... great stock to hold for a few years, still trying to find some spare funds to accumulate more:t_up:

05-05-2014, 08:40 PM
Syniverse signed up in Europe for DC billing. Figires right after I sell up!

Well you have to live up to your reputation as a contrarian indicator ;)

06-05-2014, 04:27 PM
yeah no doubt will get impatient too if the share price doesnt start to fire soon. Im looking at a 3 year timeframe (target atleast 50cents), couldnt resist and ended up topping up some more today, haha. The NZX seriously needs some IPO offerings of good growth stocks. A lot more potential overseas in that arena and would imagine you would have to go over there to make decent coin on short term trading...

Moosie just seen this share skyrocket today, could be worth putting on watchlist for trading "Nearmap" on Aussie market.

06-05-2014, 04:53 PM
yeah no doubt will get impatient too if the share price doesnt start to fire soon. Im looking at a 3 year timeframe (target atleast 50cents), couldnt resist and ended up topping up some more today, haha. The NZX seriously needs some IPO offerings of good growth stocks. A lot more potential overseas in that arena and would imagine you would have to go over there to make decent coin on short term trading...

Moosie just seen this share skyrocket today, could be worth putting on watchlist for trading "Nearmap" on Aussie market.

Hi GG, holding these ( ouch )

06-05-2014, 05:05 PM
hey SL, mate brought some last month and sold a few today for quick profit. let us know if any other volatile opportunities haha. My other spec stock Moko needs some action too. If they time the NASDAQ listing on a good week of gains in other media stocks, could be a good short term trade.

06-05-2014, 05:43 PM
Been watching NEA since sub-5 cents (note the watching, not buying!!!) :D

Moosie that's nearly as bad as my double up on these ...and subsequent lack of a S/L on the downside.... :)

14-05-2014, 01:28 PM
MBE a bit like Kiwirail ...... Pier 23 seemed one pier too far and the propeller broke

I still waiting at Pier 17 to get on board - things might be fixed then.

Must say since moosie jumped overboard and nobody threw him the life buoy hardly been action with MBE. Even the volumes have dried up, maybe those evil insto traders are cursing him for hanging on for so long ....they spent more than they wanted to prise them out of his hand.

14-05-2014, 03:14 PM
MBE a bit like Kiwirail ...... Pier 23 seemed one pier too far and the propeller broke

I still waiting at Pier 17 to get on board - things might be fixed then.

Must say since moosie jumped overboard and nobody threw him the life buoy hardly been action with MBE. Even the volumes have dried up, maybe those evil insto traders are cursing him for hanging on for so long ....they spent more than they wanted to prise them out of his hand.

haha nice one. yip il be buying more if it gets under 20cents. Mgmt seem to be pretty skilled but not much commuication proves a bit of a mystery. Mayby they are hiding away in the winter and ready to come out with big news in Spring with Sprint

15-05-2014, 01:52 PM
Moosie theres no manipulation. Theres just no reason to buy the stock. You of all people should know this. You've sold out because you see other short term opportunities. This is exactly the type of trading that has seen MBE stagnate. It's common sense. MBE Attracted a lot of 'traders' (who are short term) in the early stages. Then it hit fair value. Since then we've seen a steady stream of short terms leave. However there is still buying in MBE - no doubt the long termers snapping them up.

It'll take a few months for MBE to break out of this range I believe.

19-05-2014, 04:27 PM
I have taken a taxi to Pier 15 and will wait there

But if moosie says the sector is imploding might be better to stay out altogether

Somebody said nearly 50% off its highs of a few months ago ...believe he is right. That's some drop

19-05-2014, 04:36 PM
Must say that it appears this sector is imploding and that we may have seen a bubble at work!

Below 20 cents for MBE, MKB face planting to 13 and MNW hurting at 22. Not looking good short term!

Don't forget your former romance - SNK.

19-05-2014, 05:44 PM
I guess lack of experience bit me in the arse here, bought Christmas at 21c and still holding now sitting on a loss, disbelief for a good, profitable growth stock. Im in for the long term but now its whether I like it or not. would be silly to sell at the lows now

20-05-2014, 10:18 AM
yeah lack of experience would love to have sold on the highs and brought back in when winner69 buys some at 15cent pier. Horrible communication/explanations from MGMT but still believe are doing the job well and hopefully in a years time all the shareholders can be rewarded for their patience..

20-05-2014, 11:32 AM
Spoke too soon Gizy,


20-05-2014, 11:53 AM
Spoke too soon Gizy,



20-05-2014, 12:08 PM
Spoke too soon Gizy,


very impressive, the best line is: "on track to grow its global direct billing from 28million to 150million by next month!!! and Chris reckons their geograpical 1st mover advantage strategy is proving effective. Also no income yet from overseas and strong ballance sheet sets this stock up for a worth while long term hold!!

20-05-2014, 12:14 PM
28million to 150million - thats got to be huge!

Apart from the numbers there is nice detailed info on how convey and m-payments work! which I found useful as I still struggle a bit with concepts in the mobile advertising buisness. Good read for people who want a greater understanding of the buisness model.

20-05-2014, 12:51 PM
i know its only been trading less than an hour but im very surprised at the level of selling into an announcement as good as this past, present and especially future tense which is what the market is supposedly meant to value businesses at.. Numbers will speak for themselfs by year end. Contract kicking in next month locally. Singtel and sprint kicking in oer next few months, all positive stuff.

20-05-2014, 01:06 PM
Im not much good at drilling down into the figs but I'm told that Revenue this quarter is actually less than last.

20-05-2014, 01:52 PM
First two quarters revenue 9.54 million (not sure on split but if 50/50 that's average 4.77 million/quarter), this quarter 4.49 million so less than previous. However variation may occur between quarters, ideally would see increase in revenue every quarter - but we havnt. I think it's better to asses full year growth fy13 vs fy14 (which is tracking along much greater - now at 14mil with one quarter left) and not get bogged down in quarterly revenue. Would be great to hear from SF on this?

20-05-2014, 02:15 PM
i know its only been trading less than an hour but im very surprised at the level of selling into an announcement as good as this past, present and especially future tense which is what the market is supposedly meant to value businesses at.. Numbers will speak for themselfs by year end. Contract kicking in next month locally. Singtel and sprint kicking in oer next few months, all positive stuff.

Prob a few couldn't believe their luck an announcement came out today and managed to quit quiet a few for a more bob than yesterday

Think we need to face up to it ....MBE not flavour of the month so why fight it, the sentiment that is

Then again the evil forces may be at it again and 'managing' the shareprice

Still waiting at Pier 15

20-05-2014, 02:44 PM

steve fleming
20-05-2014, 08:26 PM
Its pretty obvious now that MBE's m-advertising and m-payments operations will converge, as MBE develops apps for retailers etc looking to sell products, and then take a commission on sales value

Finally a nice detailed update

One of the key things for me was this:

"Mobile Embrace is exploring enquiries arising to cross leverage the Tier1 brand and agency relationships and premium publisher mobile advertising network of 4th Screen with the trading desk, CMP and m-payments distribution network of Convey. "

To me that hopefully, is the future of MBE

Integrating top class advertising created by MBE to sell clothes, pizzas whatever; distributing the ads on the MBE premium advertising network; using the MBE trading desk so MBE can target the placement/timing of the customer to its targeted profile; with the customer paying using MBE payment infrastructure, with the ongoing customer management using the MBE CRM IP to increase conversion rates and decrease churn. MBE would take an increasing percentage of sales value (15% 40%) based on the extent of the services it has provided

MBE's customer acquisition and management expertise and its advertising network is a huge selling proposition they can offer retailers looking to monetise sales via mobile

The quarterly stuff is interesting, but I'm not getting too hung up on it, just like I'm not getting too hung up on the share price

I look at FY15 and see the $5.3m in committed advertising contracts, the 5 new Convey products coming on line, the international opportunities, cash at bank, and having met Chris and Neal, i back them to make the most of these huge sector tail winds over the medium term

steve fleming
21-05-2014, 09:09 PM
Yesterday’s trading update was exactly in line with Bell Potter’s estimates

BP have now reaffirmed their $19.8m revenue/$3m EBITDA estimate for FY14 and $29.3m revenue / $5.7m EBITDA estimate for FY15

So trading on just over 10x FY15 EBITDA

The Big Ease
22-05-2014, 02:43 AM
Cheap Cheap!

22-05-2014, 08:14 AM
cheers Steve for the useful points..

It seems that Perrenial funds are one of the only big boys accumulating at these low levels. If that Sprint situtation is finalised then I am sure more big funds in the US would jump on board easily. The lack of competition is meanining Perrenial and other savy investors are buying a great longterm stocks from impatient sellers. The really good thing is Perrenial likes holding stocks for the long long term. Reading that trading update I see significant growth down the track and we are only currently trading at a low PE and a low cap. As soon as we see a stiff of overseas actual incomes then I am buying some more and probably then the company would get some cheeky takeover bids. Wouldnt be suprised if someone like Carlyle is keen. They brought Syniverse for few billion and I am sure Syniverse is worth a lot more today;)

steve fleming
22-05-2014, 09:15 AM
The market priced MBE at 2c and a m/cap of $6m for a long time, despite it being profitable with fast growing revenues.

The market got MBE incredibly wrong back then, and is possibly getting MBE very wrong now

Basically there has been a history of inefficient pricing of MBE

Short term, voting machine, long term, weighing machine type thing

22-05-2014, 10:14 AM
The market priced MBE at 2c and a m/cap of $6m for a long time, despite it being profitable with fast growing revenues.

The market got MBE incredibly wrong back then, and is possibly getting MBE very wrong now

Basically there has been a history of inefficient pricing of MBE

Short term, voting machine, long term, weighing machine type thing

I think some "investors " probably don't understand the company that well. Seems a pity , I really like the space they are in and believe with the uptake of mobile devices they have some great potential.

22-05-2014, 12:07 PM
moosie things could go very very well for this company in the next 12 months.
Apart from being in a solid down trend I cant see any reason for not picking a few up at these levels.

Snaps ......moosies ballpark / rule of thumb valuation for these companies was 8 to 10 times sales

Think that's why he bought some at 29 cents

27-05-2014, 08:10 PM
Just in case there's a sudden panic moved around to Pier 15 today

If miss out there interested at 17 but only on way up

MBE turning out to be a real dog eh

27-05-2014, 09:17 PM
Just in case there's a sudden panic moved around to Pier 15 today

If miss out there interested at 17 but only on way up

MBE turning out to be a real dog eh
Only a dog because investors are making it so. Company is a winner and looking very positive over he next 6 months

27-05-2014, 10:00 PM
Just in case there's a sudden panic moved around to Pier 15 today

If miss out there interested at 17 but only on way up

MBE turning out to be a real dog eh

Woof, Woof...:)

Due Date

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
5,279.50 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
1,078.98 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
2,002.00 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
247.00 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
559.55 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
7,529.50 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
8,982.75 AUD

28-05-2014, 01:52 AM
Woof, Woof...:)

Due Date

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
5,279.50 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
1,078.98 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
2,002.00 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
247.00 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
559.55 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
7,529.50 AUD

MBE.ASX (https://www.anzshareandbondtrading.co.nz/dynamic/quote.aspx?qqsc=MBE&qqe=ASX)
8,982.75 AUD

You have down well stop loss and a lot richer than you were a year ago eh, well done

But hasn't it been a bit galling watching your wealth diminish by $140,000 odd over the last few months?

My buying mirrored yours but none at the moment .....might have another go at Pier 15 but it won't be a 10 bagger this time around

Maybe MBE is misunderstood and should be at 30 but whatever the market is still selling down and getting close to 50% off its highs makes it a dog at the moment

I still like the dog though and watching the squiggly lines closely

05-06-2014, 10:17 AM
still in a down trend.... a big surprise.
Trend is your friend but this one is way over due for a turn around.
Insto's still buying hard out must be gutted after paying 25 cps for capital raising.

Snaps ....maybe MBE is just another one of the many stories (fairytales?) that seem to exist.

Maybe some will turn dreams into reality, sometime.

Been good to me has MBE thanks to Moosie. Still waiting at Pier 17 ...on the way up though

06-06-2014, 07:24 AM
still in a down trend.... a big surprise.
Trend is your friend but this one is way over due for a turn around.
Insto's still buying hard out must be gutted after paying 25 cps for capital raising.
I want to get back into this thing and am getting a little impatient and am of the opinion that I may miss the turn.It has been rather steady for some time but yesterday the turnover showed a little strength.Do you Chartists have any real reason not to buy a few now.You seem to be waiting for 17 of 15 on a bad day which ain't far below here....tks

06-06-2014, 05:40 PM
I want to get back into this thing and am getting a little impatient and am of the opinion that I may miss the turn.It has been rather steady for some time but yesterday the turnover showed a little strength.Do you Chartists have any real reason not to buy a few now.You seem to be waiting for 17 of 15 on a bad day which ain't far below here....tks
Well Winner and Snapiti you should be buying some soon as they will now drop cos I bgt at 18 today.....cheers

11-06-2014, 12:10 PM
Copper looks like a good little gain if you sold now. MBE off to a good start, hopefully an uptrend forming (well overdue)

11-06-2014, 12:18 PM
Is this a bit of manipulation going on? or maybe we are expecting an announcement this week.

new website layout is looking quite impressive also, and they have now created a mobile layout for their website (which is sensible seeing as they specialize in this area)

11-06-2014, 12:22 PM
Is this a bit of manipulation going on? or maybe we are expecting an announcement this week.

new website layout is looking quite impressive also, and they have now created a mobile layout for there website (which is sensible seeing as they specialize in this area)

Yeh suddne jump up 2 cents - my first thought was there must be some good new coming and its been leaked...

11-06-2014, 12:32 PM
yeah Gus, mayby the manipulation downwards has come to an end (not to many sellers) and investors have finally realised that it is good buying at 20cents (with no overseas income factored in). Any annoucement in coming 12 months should be positive so expect some big spikes on any overseas income annoucements...

11-06-2014, 01:10 PM
Word on HC is that Blue Oceans has initiated coverage with a recommended near time SP of 39c and longer term SP of 77c.

Still waiting for the report to be produced though.

11-06-2014, 02:14 PM
Word on HC is that Blue Oceans has initiated coverage with a recommended near time SP of 39c and longer term SP of 77c.

Still waiting for the report to be produced though.

One thing I have noticed over the weeks had been the pitiful turnover.Wouldn't have taken much to move it either way.Thankfully up.....

11-06-2014, 03:56 PM
Word on HC is that Blue Oceans has initiated coverage with a recommended near time SP of 39c and longer term SP of 77c.

Still waiting for the report to be produced though.

So I am "well positioned" then on that basis - more especially the SP going to 77c as my buy price is closer to 39c than 20c - not that I have very many

Well above average volume today so far

11-06-2014, 06:23 PM
Very sceptical of this rise on no news, looks like an insto has bid the price up to offload for a 10-15% rise before destroying the sp again to accumulate more. Seen this happen a few times now. If it breaks and holds above the 30 day MA then I stand corrected, but as it usually serves asa ceiling I ain't holding my breath!
Just a question....How can you make that assumption about the insto when there are umpteen sales at the selling price from multiple sellers. An Insto or his broker is not going to put many orders for 100k odd on to sell as against a large block..???

11-06-2014, 07:13 PM
No verification re Blue oceans research and if you google them there is some int baggage there.Being naive with some posters on H/C can be an easy way to be separated from your hard earned or your easy come easy go?.

11-06-2014, 07:26 PM
Just a question....How can you make that assumption about the insto when there are umpteen sales at the selling price from multiple sellers. An Insto or his broker is not going to put many orders for 100k odd on to sell as against a large block..???

Copper pretty easy for a insto to effectively hide the full size of the order .They could load a million to sell in random quantities ... Google an iceberg order .

enzed staffy
12-06-2014, 11:50 AM
Leaked news it was then
"Singapore m payments move to full roll out"

12-06-2014, 12:25 PM
cant stay down too long with broker up grades and more positive news out.
I like management who continue to roll out a good plan.
If you are quiet and listen carefully you can hear the cash tills ringing in south east Asia today
Will be interesting to see the share price movement today on this announcement...Moosie may be back here also if he sees LONGT's 9.55 post on HC.....

12-06-2014, 12:28 PM
All I can say is dont give your shares away cheaply. The manipulation is rampant here. Once stopped will form and uptrend though. fundamentals are getting stronger by the day

12-06-2014, 12:55 PM
Just broke 30 day MA.

12-06-2014, 01:01 PM
Just broke 50 day MA

12-06-2014, 02:12 PM
Leaked news it was then
"Singapore m payments move to full roll out"

Thats a bit BS that inside traders have 'obviously' got this news a day prior to the announcement. Maybe the gain yesterday is the market value considering this announcement and there wont be anymore gains for the week. Cant see much more happening with the share price today. Although we have seen in the past the share price make nice gains on a friday.

However CHUR to the good news.

12-06-2014, 04:51 PM
Thats a bit BS that inside traders have 'obviously' got this news a day prior to the announcement. Maybe the gain yesterday is the market value considering this announcement and there wont be anymore gains for the week. Cant see much more happening with the share price today. Although we have seen in the past the share price make nice gains on a friday.

However CHUR to the good news.

Pods if he is the same as on HC has tracked down by elimination that the instos have the report but it wasn't released to retail clients...It should appear soon...cheers

12-06-2014, 07:14 PM
The Moose Fund has bought back in on a 30 day MA break and crossing of the DMI. Strong buy signals from the chart so I bought back in (twice as much this time too!). :)

Love your work moosie :)

12-06-2014, 08:07 PM
Will be interesting to see the share price movement today on this announcement...Moosie may be back here also if he sees LONGT's 9.55 post on HC.....

Moosie I just hope you may have got both sides of this thing in your favour.Didn't think for a moment LNG wud do it's thing today....cheers

13-06-2014, 10:10 AM
The Moose Fund has bought back in on a 30 day MA break and crossing of the DMI. Strong buy signals from the chart so I bought back in (twice as much this time too!). :)
nice, look forward to the momentum building

13-06-2014, 01:25 PM
True, but I think my big signals might be a little more risky than yours. If we were to follow yours what would the sp have to be to fire buys at minimum? I'm prepared to take the risk that it may go down further.

I still waiting at Pier 17 moosie

Hope you right about it going down further

13-06-2014, 02:07 PM
Hi KW, what are your thoughts on MFG - it just crossed the 200 Day MA on the downside (with volume)...are you a seller?
sorry to post on the MBE thread I couldn't find the other one).

13-06-2014, 02:55 PM
KW I thought you used 50/200 MAs?

13-06-2014, 03:44 PM
Thanks KW, I find your post really helpful btw!

13-06-2014, 07:11 PM
Thanks KW, I find your post really helpful btw!
Me too....Keep it up quite refreshing.....

17-06-2014, 12:38 PM
could be a potential breakout coming.

17-06-2014, 01:50 PM
Into Russia they go - good work!


17-06-2014, 01:53 PM
Mpayments market has gone from 28 million to 200million - thats the goods right there

17-06-2014, 01:54 PM
shot of vodka everyone in homage to MBE's new fleet of phones.

This stock has some serious potential

17-06-2014, 01:59 PM
Um, they don't sell phones tp

17-06-2014, 02:04 PM
And there's your catalyst for resistance break right there. Still a bit cautious as per manipulation but am happy with my decision now! :D
nice Mossie keep that northwards momentum going!:t_up:

17-06-2014, 02:04 PM
Um, they don't sell phones tp
I know perhaps I worded it slightly wrong. but you know what I mean accessible phones

17-06-2014, 02:09 PM
Crikey it's a funny one to follow this. Seems it almost got bid up pre-announcement then the sell offers came out on the news.
Will see where it sits end of the day I guess

17-06-2014, 02:20 PM
Do you have to add aussie stocks manually on anzsecurities when you buy them wth omca nzd?

17-06-2014, 02:31 PM
Do you have to add aussie stocks manually on anzsecurities when you buy them wth omca nzd?

If you mean into your portfolio .I don't have to on mine automatically updates.

27-06-2014, 03:03 PM
4M just went through off market @ 21 cents. Volume is staying up there...
I see you are now a woodland creature El Supremo..I have become a little bored and disolutioned with the manipulation here so sold half.Gone off to buy BSR.A gold mine in Senegal seems to me to outweigh a phone company in Russia.We will see.cheers

27-06-2014, 04:20 PM
Are you stalking me? I sold MBE and bought TRY lol

Grief I thought I was being a traitor and jumping ship.I remember Troy from the nineties.It was always up there with the legit miners.See it took over Azimuth which I followed for a while.It was on Money morning or whatever that tipster site was.I wish you all the best.cheers....

10-07-2014, 12:37 PM
Sudden spike in share price...wonder if it will hold.

10-07-2014, 12:48 PM
Great stuff, what ive been waiting months for. I have a gut feeling this is breakout time (properly this time). Note that this was the time last year they ran up.

17-07-2014, 07:37 PM
What happened today .... up to 22

17-07-2014, 11:13 PM
See my post above yours ;)

Not this time IMO. I see 24-25 tomorrow.

18-07-2014, 02:08 PM
OK. IFL still reducing.

22-07-2014, 12:59 PM
Breakout time finally. Hit 24c today. Slight pull back but growing volume and clearly on target for a new uptrend

22-07-2014, 07:10 PM
It reports in two weeks I gather - maybe someone knows something good? :)

23-07-2014, 01:39 PM
Actually Software & Services in general appears to be trending up.

25-07-2014, 09:42 AM
yeah looking forwards to MBE when it gets close to 30cents sometime this year hopefully. Good volume on MKB on NASDAQ but still a very volatile journey there

29-07-2014, 09:06 AM
lol.... trading pattern swing but needs to break and hold what has been past big resistance @25cps.
Those big sells are clearly caps as they move around and dissapear at the end of the day. I think its becoming overwhelmingly clear that the fundamentals of this company are far to hard to be kept down for so long. and now TA is joining our side. One of the best investments going forward on the ASX imo.

enzed staffy
29-07-2014, 11:42 AM
Aug 7 rings a vague bell - cant find confirmation tho

04-08-2014, 12:51 PM
Full Year results pre marlet tomorrow. On the back on Facebook results im very much expecting this to boost the share price up another level. I expect roughly around 3m profit which is what most are expecting but thats clearly not the important thing here. The commentary is going to be key for me. As there expanding and growing that will chew into the profit. but with 100s of million of recent potential user base prospects capitalizing on that this coming year could skyrocket this thing.

- im wanting an update on overseas revenue to today so Singapore revenue for last few months
- some guidance in terms of revenue and profit for the next 6 months
- commentary on any further deals that a close to signing

anyway you put it tomorrows going to be exciting.

07-08-2014, 01:32 PM
Aaaaaaand, so it is! Solid report, but slightly beliw expectations. Look for a pullback towards 22 with a retest of 25 afterwards. Sell if 25 fails again.

You heard it here first ;)

Well that result seems to have gone down like a lead balloon

I still watching ....has to be 'cheap' for me to have another go at making a fortune on MBE

False Profit
11-08-2014, 02:01 PM
Price is on the up today. 6+% rise so far from opening.

11-08-2014, 04:23 PM
must be some funds taking a position or retail investers seeing some optimistic price targets, come on 30cents!!!

15-08-2014, 04:03 PM
some good volume going through today, hopefully some sneaky accumulators sell orders are getting filled. Mossie you onto it with 25cents being a key point. Next week could be interesting

18-08-2014, 11:02 AM
New agreement with large company - telnor group, should help with some northern movement in the SP

18-08-2014, 12:43 PM
25 should now be support. Massive volume on good news. Very bullish sign. Might hop back in later...

Moosie , big volume end of last week ... looks like whoever loaded up , getting them out ....
Anyway the story seems to be getting better.

19-08-2014, 01:21 PM
30cents is in sight, high volume in 1st hour today! Possibly the guys that have been sitting on the sideline are now taking a position. The price is now around Capital raising price. Amazing what they have acheived since that though and a still looks cheap...

19-08-2014, 01:33 PM
30cents is in sight, high volume in 1st hour today! Possibly the guys that have been sitting on the sideline are now taking a position. The price is now around Capital raising price. Amazing what they have acheived since that though and a still looks cheap...

Yea 12 mil odd through yesterday , looks like some bigger punters/ funds getting on board .......

19-08-2014, 02:24 PM
Yes looking good. I think they have a POTENTIAL 600 / 700 million customers now??

19-08-2014, 05:26 PM

Looks familiar :)

...the golden cross, not the dead cross.

21-08-2014, 04:38 PM
30cents is insight holders, next few months should be good!!:t_up:

21-08-2014, 07:20 PM
Not really moose. Seems your looking at this with a bit of a grudge. 27.5 will be gone tomorrow. This will Tick up nicely until 35c. I cannot see a better stock on the asx at.

21-08-2014, 09:32 PM
Not jealous, made a lot more elsewhere in same time span as MBEs uplift. Good company, but you underestimate the power of the trader men here. We have all been frustrated for a very long time by these guys. Underestimate them at your own peril.

SSH notices and figuring buy/sell prices by them are good ways to trade MBE. Remember, this is a profitable company and will therefore be measured on PE metrics, not lofty PS ratios.

Just my two cents. Take it or leave it.

well as they say in the long run the winners will win and MBE to date is a winner with plenty of potential. it can change so quickly, all it takes it one insto to take a stance e.g. LNG all good stocks eventually reach great heights and if great enough continue to reach new ones.

Im mean lets be honest its essentially objective to say that as a company MBE are only going up from here, hence SP should follow.

ill stick to my call of a new high with in the 3 weeks

22-08-2014, 01:11 PM
Well I'm glad at least you guys are making money here! I may be back at some point, we shall see :)

yeah get in there Moosie haha, nothing on the NZX interests me so could end up topping up in MBE prior to October trading update. The beauty of all those partnerships etc they have been signing up , only a few need to succeed to really make some good $$, my bet is that someone will try to buy them out as soon as overseas incomes flows in possibly this time next year

22-08-2014, 02:40 PM
This is turning into a nice little investment now, go mbe

False Profit
11-09-2014, 08:30 AM
Very quiet on this thread for a while...Price seems to be relatively stable at the moment so happy with that for now.

17-09-2014, 07:56 PM
Last few days sine the apple announcement has hurt a bit. but just goes to show how uninformed and persuaded simply by a name sometimes investors are. Just becasue people here apple and mobile pay. a massive selloff occurs. The CFO stated that apple will not affect the business and on top of that even if they did it would help MBE. Its naive to think that just because apples enters something, they automatically get 100% of market share. its impossible. not only that android is growing faster which is where MBE is at.

If apple were in competition it would help because they are bringing a technology that is in its infancy to the masses, so more adoption means more money for the businesses that have to right model in place to take advantage of that, which MBE over the past 12 months and some have shown that yes they do have the right business model.

end rant, not happy with current price.

False Profit
18-09-2014, 06:29 AM
but happy to top up and catch that falling knife...

18-09-2014, 01:20 PM
but happy to top up and catch that falling knife...

yeah cant believe we heading back to 20cents... def be selling some other shares to buy some more. October trading update could provide the 1st sniff of overseas income:t_up:

22-10-2014, 11:31 AM

more validation that this stock will be a serious multibagger in the mid term, they now have full access to the UK market. if your long term its hard to find something better. goals keep getting ticked, audience keeps expanding and revenue keeps increasing. very much looking forward to a financial update which should follow soon I would think.

22-10-2014, 11:52 AM
OS revenues might not get exponential short term, but they will definitely build over the next year or two. Sill people selling out because of ApplePay...

19-11-2014, 06:31 PM
Still waiting at Pier 18. Nearly got there the other day

But then again MBE might be an impending shipwreck and no point getting on

Not loved is it

19-11-2014, 06:45 PM
Still waiting at Pier 18. Nearly got there the other day

But then again MBE might be an impending shipwreck and no point getting on

Not loved is it

Me thinks the irrational fear of Applepay is taking over and that IOOF exiting as an SSH does not help. With no other instos showing interest to take up the slack and social media stocks still very down and out, even the best if breed is going to suffer.

Is it just me or is another update overdue as well?

Anything below PE of 20 is a buy imho.

19-11-2014, 06:57 PM
update will be at the next AGM, hopefully this will move this crab walk SP somewhat!!!

19-11-2014, 07:08 PM
update will be at the next AGM, hopefully this will move this crab walk SP somewhat!!!

Tempted to buy again just to attend AGM as a "working holiday" ;)

19-11-2014, 07:19 PM
Really not ideal. Two failed attempts at support rallies just getting slammed by IOOF sell down.

Most definitely in need of some OS revenue updates to confirm the model is working as efficiently in foreign markets as it is in Aus..

8 sleeps to AGM - until then bring on the pain, Fantastic buying under 20c IMO

20-11-2014, 11:46 AM


20-11-2014, 12:04 PM
Taking over Thomson Reuters as it sounded like in one of their announcements once?

Nah .... way to big for piddly Oz company to contemplate

21-11-2014, 11:13 AM

MBE acquires 'The Performance Factory' - Immediately EPS accretive for FY15 by 22% on a base case and 37% on a target case.

21-11-2014, 02:34 PM
Acquisition: Sounds good, looks good.

SP hasn't moved much. I think everyone's still waiting to see what revenues & profit comes from the m-payments sign up of the telecommunications companies in the various areas around the world - I believe sprint (US) and singtel (singapore) were the first ones. Hopefully there is some info at AGM time regarding this (27th of this month).

What I like about this company;

Its small cap and is growing revenues while being PROFITABLE! - therefore it is easier to value fundamentally (often rare for these kinds of tech companies cf say SNK or even something like XRO or PEB - now much bigger obviously)

From what SF has said, the CEO is very sharp and has many reasons why this company cannot fail. Track record also show they have been able to get results.

Price wise PE = approx 25, this is based on FY 14 results, so based on FY 15 results < 20? very cheap for potential growth.

Hot-copper has done its typical pump and dump on this stock (currently I think they are on to AJX and FAR), so with that out of the way volatility should be reduced - but there may be a second round!

Holding since 2 cents, bought all the way up including at 24 cents......

Will be an interesting month or so. Would like to hear SF views.

Better get back to reading the a2 milk thread.

21-11-2014, 07:20 PM
Think it's a positive they are issuing shares @ 25 cents above market , as opposed to a discount .Just my 2 bobs worth
DISC: Holding

21-11-2014, 07:52 PM
Agreed, considering this is only absorbing 20% of cash on hand and has forecasts for being up to 37% earnings accretive.. Seems like a well thought out acquisition.

Not to mention potential synergies for the business as a whole, the established customer acquisition network that both the advertising and payments divisions can draw from.

DISC:HOLD (not quite as long as you lot - bought on the June dip) Nonetheless, this one is my left nut on the line!

Happy Friday.

27-11-2014, 11:33 AM
AGM today - anybody make the trip?

27-11-2014, 01:48 PM
Finally an update. Greater than $12 mil revenue for 6 months on track. (most likely be more).

second half should ramp up as Perf factory are growing rapidly and are basically not included at the moment.

Also second half is stronger historically and forward looking.

Subscription growing everywhere. no numbers in preso but I suppose that to fend of competitors, and maintain first mover advantage.

All up, relieved to finally have some substance. and share price over next few days should track up to 25c

27-11-2014, 01:54 PM
Finally an update. Greater than $12 mil revenue for 6 months on track. (most likely be more).

second half should ramp up as Perf factory are growing rapidly and are basically not included at the moment.

Also second half is stronger historically and forward looking.

Subscription growing everywhere. no numbers in preso but I suppose that to fend of competitors, and maintain first mover advantage.

All up, relieved to finally have some substance. and share price over next few days should track up to 25c

Yes looks good to me! therefore at least 25 million revenue for the full year (likely to be greater due to Performance factory + traditionally stronger second HY) so revenue FY13 12.23 million, FY14 19.27 million, est FY15 25 million++

will be interesting to see what else came out in Q&A session.

27-11-2014, 02:12 PM
Also MBE has still got 10 million cash after acquisition,
Hopefully there is a nice increase in profit associated with the increased revenue.

27-11-2014, 03:29 PM
Next DIL in the making. Go baby go!

27-11-2014, 07:02 PM
Does that mean $ 5.00 price target BFG ? ( I'd be happy with 1.00) Shout you an all expenses paid trip to Welly for a weekend if we get $ 2.00 !!!

27-11-2014, 08:31 PM
Does that mean $ 5.00 price target BFG ? ( I'd be happy with 1.00) Shout you an all expenses paid trip to Welly for a weekend if we get $ 2.00 !!!

Haha I don't think I can justify a $700m+ mCap! Is there a time limit on that promise though?

27-11-2014, 09:01 PM
Int observation from another poster
" I think you need to take into account the extra costs from The Performance Factory. $5 million of rev and $1m EBITDA is expected from TPF in FY!5, therefore you prob need to deduct an extra $4 mill in costs from your EBITDA calculations"

"Im my opinion it looks like the profits for the first half of FY15 will be less than the first half of FY14"

Growing pains of a small company not yet perfectly formed. future looks really promising imo but I'm not expecting a vastly rising s/p yet. Still waiting for an entry.

27-11-2014, 09:24 PM
Haha I don't think I can justify a $700m+ mCap! Is there a time limit on that promise though?

Well I would prefer sooner rather than later , however lets say 2020 .

27-11-2014, 10:44 PM
Well I would prefer sooner rather than later , however lets say 2020 .

6 years is forever in internet time. MBE could be the AAPL by then. You're on!

27-11-2014, 11:13 PM
6 years is forever in internet time. MBE could be the AAPL by then. You're on!

Easy tiger, or should I say Moose , I pricked my ears up at the possibility of $ 5.00 , but 100, no 200, no 400 no 700 , gee I'm thinking of making it a trip to Vegas now !!!1

04-12-2014, 12:58 PM
Patience will be tested here..

Im hearing a downgrade in Target Price by Bell potter. 25%~ ??

Still think 13% is way overdone.. If 19c goes we are in trouble

04-12-2014, 02:07 PM
Patience will be tested here..

Im hearing a downgrade in Target Price by Bell potter. 25%~ ??

Still think 13% is way overdone.. If 19c goes we are in trouble

Haha, I wouldn't look into the downgrade to much, read over the AG, the theme is - short term costs/decreased cash flow for high growth roll out internationally.

Buy more if you have the cash.

Huge growth potential, plan in place, contracts signed, increasing revenues, plenty of cash, no debt & profitable.

04-12-2014, 02:24 PM
Yeah I'm a buyer today too

04-12-2014, 03:36 PM
Don't disagree with the fundamentals, just talking about the sentiment and stigma that comes with the downgrade :)

From a TA point of view its not pretty, new 12 month low, high volume. Just depends on your time frame I guess....

04-12-2014, 03:52 PM
Still waiting at Pier 18. Nearly got there the other day

But then again MBE might be an impending shipwreck and no point getting on

Not loved is it

It shot past Pier 18 and just for a laugh got a few at 17.5 and then a few more when it returned to Pier 18

Not totally convinced ..... looked like an impending shipwreck this morning eh

Just a bit of play money this time ......but don't think it will be a 10 bagger like a previous trade

04-12-2014, 03:54 PM
one brokers downgrade to share price target does not warrant this sort of sell down.

Cynically - might be a lot of buying activity and then the big upgrade after xmas

No never, never .... people don't behave like this

04-12-2014, 03:55 PM
one brokers downgrade to share price target does not warrant this sort of sell down.

who was the broker?

04-12-2014, 03:59 PM
I can see another NEA trade coming up next tear at this rate...

04-12-2014, 04:03 PM
Broker Bell Potter.

04-12-2014, 04:04 PM
who was the broker?

I understand it was Bell Potter - the same broker that initiated coverage as a buy on 19 March when price was 26c with a target of 32c. Guess they got that call wrong and had to retrace. Hope they have the sell call wrong too :)
March report can be read here: http://cdn.mobileembrace.com/uploads/mobileembrace.com/docs/mbe-bell-potter-securities-research-report.pdf

Does anyone have a link to today's report?

04-12-2014, 04:15 PM
Bell Potter, with a new target price of 24c. So we drop to 17.5c.. the mind boggles - Someone is getting a bargain! Going from the weak hands to the strong hands?

Growth doesn't come free obviously, its to be expected that there will be a surge in costs moving into new markets, I think the view might be a bit short sighted in that regard.

And It doesn't help when its one of the only brokers covering the stock as well.. BBY being the other

04-12-2014, 09:42 PM
Here is the report -

Mobile Embrace (MBE.AX – A$0.22) Hold Target: A$0.24

Downgrade in forecasts and recommendation

Downgrade in forecasts

We have reviewed our forecasts post the AGM last week and modestly reduced our revenue forecasts (given the 1HFY15 revenue guidance was modestly below our expectations) and also increased our expense forecasts (given the increased head count and commentary around investing for growth).

The net result is we have downgraded our diluted EPS forecasts in FY15, FY16 and FY17 by 35%, 32% and 28% respectively. Note the downgrades have largely been driven by the increased expense forecasts which are consistent with the company’s comment that it “has reinvested in operational infrastructure to support the next stage of development.”

• Reduction in price target

We have updated each valuation methodology we use in the determination of our price target – PE ratio,
EV/EBITDA and DCF – for the earnings changes as well as any recent market movements. Note in the relative valuations of PE ratio and EV/EBITDA we continue to apply the average multiples of the listed peers (i.e. no premium or discount). The net result is a 25% decrease in our price target from $0.32 to $0.24 which has been driven by a fall in all three valuations due mostly to the earnings downgrades. Note the fall in price target is broadly consistent with the average level of EPS downgrades over the next three years.

• Investment view:

Downgrade to HOLD

We downgrade our recommendation on Mobile Embrace from BUY to HOLD.

At our updated price target of $0.24 the expected total return is 9% which is consistent with a HOLD recommendation. We also consider it appropriate to downgrade the recommendation based on the level of earnings downgrades we have made and also given we expect a sizeable skew in FY15 earnings towards the second half.

We therefore believe it appropriate to downgrade now and reassess the story and the outlook at the 1HFY15 result in February next year.

08-12-2014, 07:02 PM
This is becoming a ginormous disaster .....all the way down to 16 cents

Those I got at 17.5 and 18 not looking so cheap now

I'll give it another day or so to see what happens, even though hope is nota strategy

I think only believers left now and that won't be enough to give the share price a boost. I think we won't see 20 again for some time

08-12-2014, 08:08 PM
Am absolutely gobsmacked. Didnt react to sell triggers because am to much of a believer.

They say your first love and break up is the worst one?

Long term support well and truly smashed.

09-12-2014, 09:20 AM

A post from Hot Copper (from a user called longshot)

"Thorpey has taken a company burning cash and making losses to one who then made a profit of $290K from memory and then $3,150,000 last FY with turnover up big time to 19.2 mil. That's a ten fold increase in 12 months which is why it went from 2c to 34. 34c was certainly a premium but 16.5c is ridiculous IMO given the global reach and likehood of success given the SingTel and Swisscomm is now live and working with significant growth (frustratingly without figures to protect their commercial interest and ours). The profit this year could hit $5 mil if things go to plan which again would be quite impressive"

"He has since signed with SingTel, Swisscomm, Sprint, Russia x 3, Nortel, the entire UK, Perform Soccer, Healthclub, FiTTR, signed a further ad deal for $5.35 mil, games subscriptions likely over 50,000 from Aust only (as the chart indicates), other OS carriers in progress, turnover up another 30% min over $12 mil for 6 months, raised $12 mil, funds on the register including JP Morgan, bought Performance factory which will add another $1 mil profit/$5 mil turnover and I'm sure I've missed plenty. Who recons that isn't an incredible set of deliveries in a short time?"

"Most CEO's bust their backside each year to get 10% growth".

"I have a lot invested in this stock and I have therefore spent a stack of time researching and getting across the business plan. Thorpey has done a remarkable job in this timeframe, as has Neil and the rest of the team. Tell you what the new Chairman also knows his stuff and comes from the UK which I'm sure is no coincidence given his accent and the recent deal.

"I am biased certainly, but with a very good reason. I suggest you have a very good look at the fundamentals with the EPS at 1c minimum and rising, the PE is now only 16 which is extremely good value IMO. I recon Mr Q might even have a splash as he certainly knows value at these levels"

09-12-2014, 02:09 PM

A post from Hot Copper (from a user called longshot)

"Thorpey has taken a company burning cash and making losses to one who then made a profit of $290K from memory and then $3,150,000 last FY with turnover up big time to 19.2 mil. That's a ten fold increase in 12 months which is why it went from 2c to 34. 34c was certainly a premium but 16.5c is ridiculous IMO given the global reach and likehood of success given the SingTel and Swisscomm is now live and working with significant growth (frustratingly without figures to protect their commercial interest and ours). The profit this year could hit $5 mil if things go to plan which again would be quite impressive"

"He has since signed with SingTel, Swisscomm, Sprint, Russia x 3, Nortel, the entire UK, Perform Soccer, Healthclub, FiTTR, signed a further ad deal for $5.35 mil, games subscriptions likely over 50,000 from Aust only (as the chart indicates), other OS carriers in progress, turnover up another 30% min over $12 mil for 6 months, raised $12 mil, funds on the register including JP Morgan, bought Performance factory which will add another $1 mil profit/$5 mil turnover and I'm sure I've missed plenty. Who recons that isn't an incredible set of deliveries in a short time?"

"Most CEO's bust their backside each year to get 10% growth".

"I have a lot invested in this stock and I have therefore spent a stack of time researching and getting across the business plan. Thorpey has done a remarkable job in this timeframe, as has Neil and the rest of the team. Tell you what the new Chairman also knows his stuff and comes from the UK which I'm sure is no coincidence given his accent and the recent deal.

"I am biased certainly, but with a very good reason. I suggest you have a very good look at the fundamentals with the EPS at 1c minimum and rising, the PE is now only 16 which is extremely good value IMO. I recon Mr Q might even have a splash as he certainly knows value at these levels"

He sounds a bit desperate that poster longshot ......badly burned methinks and trying to justify to himself why he still holds instead of cutting his losses

10-12-2014, 11:12 AM
Had a buy order sitting at 15.5 cents I had forgotten about, it was hit yesterday so picked up another 17500 shares. Not ideal as may drop lower but at the same time I'm not to worried as I'm sure this company will do well.

12-12-2014, 09:09 PM
Light volume today but at least didn't go down

Still fear it won't see 20 for some time so looking for a spike to get my money back

15-12-2014, 10:33 AM
Will today be an outside day for MBE? I'm still expecting a dip below 15 to shake out the nervous nellies on high(er) volume.

Watch for the hammer time ;)

17-12-2014, 01:39 PM
Snaps ....you buying at 14 ......wait a bit longer might get some at 13

Maybe all this mobile tech stuff is just an allusion and no more fortunes to be made.

Holding my breathe at the moment, don't want to be accused of being one of moosies nervous nellies. But can only hold my breathe for so long.

17-12-2014, 05:56 PM
Current PE of 17.5


19-12-2014, 07:51 PM
Last time MBE was 13 cents odd I was happy as Larry, a 5 bagger it was. Even happier when I sold in the high 20s, a ten bagger plus in quick time

Now the latest trade looking a bit sick and have cut some of the losses and live in hope for the balance. Winner not used to being a loser

As I said the other day I don't think 20 cents will be seen for some time, if ever again.

20-12-2014, 03:26 PM
Big statement.. How do you come to that conclusion? I think you will see a run up to at least resistance at 18 before Feb results.

20-12-2014, 04:31 PM
Big statement.. How do you come to that conclusion? I think you will see a run up to at least resistance at 18 before Feb results.

bfg is our resident bubble expect .... has made some points on the xero thread lately about bubbles

mbe looks like one highly inflated bubble in the throes of deflating to me

maybe 10 cents or less is on the card if it fully deflates, hope not as that would be a real bugger

In cases like this fundamentals mean squat all - sentiment rules

samooli - what makes you think it will run up to 18 cents before Feb

20-12-2014, 06:06 PM
bfg is our resident bubble expect .... has made some points on the xero thread lately about bubbles

mbe looks like one highly inflated bubble in the throes of deflating to me

maybe 10 cents or less is on the card if it fully deflates, hope not as that would be a real bugger

In cases like this fundamentals mean squat all - sentiment rules

samooli - what makes you think it will run up to 18 cents before Feb

Interesting you point that out Winner. As pointed out on the Xero thread, I put MNW as a bubble, but not MBE. Why is that? A few reasons:

a) MBE was vastly undervalued around the 1.5 to 2 cent mark when it first caught my attention and before it went into near-earth orbit. How could a growth-company making ~$12M pa have an mCap of $4M? To boot, right before take off, the company posted "EBITDA increasing by 165% to $0.85million FY13 up from $0.32million FY12". Then the mobile ad hype began and MBE rocketted 1800%. This is what I call an undershoot and an overshoot.

b) MBE is a profitable company, the EPS of which is continuing to grow, even with expenditure being ramped up. MNW was all hype and NEVER delivered.

c) MNW directors sold out near the top to make over $9M EACH. They knew it was a bubble and cashed in accordingly. To date, other than Thorpe selling a bit during the fund raise (I think?), not one Director has sold down. One even bought up yesterday @ 13.5!

d) With a profit being made, MBE can be measured on a "classic" ratio such as PE. A ratio of 17.5 is ridiculously cheap imho for a forward looking market with EPS, revenue and margins all growing nicely. It does not rely on the (what I consider now) baseless ratio of PS that are used to "justify" massive valuations during a bull market that have no real basis in reality (most of the time).

e) Back to the overshoot and undershoot. MBE definitely overshot around 35 cents, but is has also now undershot. Expect a return to the norm, with a long-term trend line on a monthly chart to form after the bottom has formed. This is currently how PEB is acting, moving slowly up the trend line as milestones are being achieved and investors/traders learn to hold their bladders and not "go" at every single news item!

21-12-2014, 09:45 AM
Forgot to mention one thing. The shorts on the ASX are having an absolute helluva time these days. If your company is not market leader/market darling right now then it is being severely punished.

Examples? OGC holding up strongly while all other goldies get smashed. NEA seems to be the growth stock of choice. AJX is speccie number one.

Meanwhile, MKB seems to have more "promise" (American based?) than MBE/MNW/SNK/ADJ etc. Why is that when MBE is the only one that has truly delivered? Honestly, I don't know, but the market works in mysterious ways.

Disc- not holding but very sorely tempted to at these prices when cash becomes free and a bottom forms!

21-12-2014, 11:04 AM
not to mention the company, unlike many in the space, are giving forward guidance....... 6 monthly revenue over 12m and much more in the next 6 months as it is typically a busier period for them.
Honestly winner I would of thought some one with your experience could stomach losses...... that's just part of the deal when catching falling knives.
But on the other hand it still is not trading like it is going up and stop losses are a great tool.

Currently the best buy on the ASX and I am happy holding until the next report.

Managing downside snaps ---- lightened up and hoping the balance recover

Good thing about MBE is that I still have most of the 10 bagger plus proceeds but as Mr P kept saying treat every trade as it is new one and let don't the past cloud your judgment. Gone against that advice by keeping some ,,,, naughty ill discipline eh

Have the current guys always been in charge of this company? I see that it has had several name changes over the years but always seem to be doing things with online/mobile apps. Into betting once ...maybe inspired by Derek?

Long term chart has spikes at 70 cents in 2000 and 20 cents in 2007 when the new fandangled apps that were going to make zillions came out and took the market my storm. Just interested if this the new fandangles thing?

I still have no idea how MBE make money and what the key cash driving indicators are. So always a punt with faith in what they say.

Winner hates being a loser - hope this 20 cents is soon.

21-12-2014, 11:14 AM
Winner, I thought you would have known what they do and how they make money before investing!

I would ignore those past spikes as those entities were nothing to do with what thry are now. Think of CDL becoming SEA; no relation, even if in same space. Only familiarity between two would be shareholders (Like a Sorehead!).

Bit ridiculous having a downgrade in forecasted price to 24 cents and hold recommendation followed by a horrendpus downstep to 13 cents. Even if it makes it half way to that forecast you've made a 50% profit. Risk vs reward scenario is very good right now imho.

21-12-2014, 11:25 AM
BFG - with MBE I sort of get it but really it always has been a punt relying on TA rather than any real fundamental analysis. Always allowed a few punts with the spare cash eh?

Really saying was what are the indicators that would let you assess what revenues/profits might be

The money flow has me stuffed - I know they do things and charge people for that and that in other things they clip the ticket on the way through. Like in FBU's case if it looks like they are going to build 20% more houses you would expect them make 20% plus more profit but with MBE I don't really know.

21-12-2014, 12:08 PM
BFG - with MBE I sort of get it but really it always has been a punt relying on TA rather than any real fundamental analysis. Always allowed a few punts with the spare cash eh?

Really saying was what are the indicators that would let you assess what revenues/profits might be

The money flow has me stuffed - I know they do things and charge people for that and that in other things they clip the ticket on the way through. Like in FBU's case if it looks like they are going to build 20% more houses you would expect them make 20% plus more profit but with MBE I don't really know.

Mmm true, OS revenue has been quite a challenge and a pie/chart of breakdowns would be great like DIL/XRO, but they have given forecasted guidance now which does help a bit.

If MBE is going on a $24M pa basis with more growth coming and margins going, does it really deserve a forward revenue multiple of 2 on current price/mcap? I would say no and would subscribe a 3-4x multiplier at least with the margins they have (~17.5-20%). That implies a FY15 profit of $4.5-5M and a forward looking PE of ~10 @ 13 cents.

Is MBE a large cap company paying steady dividends and barely growing? Nope, but that's how the market is valuing them right now! Even if we halve profit for increased cash outflow for global growth we still get a modest PE of 20.

Just my two cents :)

21-12-2014, 01:37 PM
Question is, after it has ridden the lower bollinger down to this level, will it form a bottom and have some sort of bounce to retest15, or will it continue lower on another bollinger slide? That is what we need to watch in the coming weeks.

21-12-2014, 02:07 PM
Big statement.. How do you come to that conclusion? I think you will see a run up to at least resistance at 18 before Feb results.

Thanks sam i was also perplexed there.Still watching and hoping for a first buy in soon.

21-12-2014, 02:47 PM
I'll answer my own question then = are the guys running MBE now the same ones who have involved for some time?

Appears so - Chris Thorpe seems to have been around since SEX took over Divolution in 2000

Chairman / CEO AGM speeches are interesting reading and tells the story of the evolving MBE from sex shops through ringtones through mobile horoscopes through online betting and all sort of things. All new fandangled things promising riches to shareholders (who get a mention and a thank you at most AGMs) ..... hopefully this time things are different (BFG says history does repeat itself)

Quite entertaining half hour

Still don't really understand where the money comes from - was one AGM where the Chairman spent some time that even though the papers were saying billing were several millions the company really only got $100k of it

21-12-2014, 07:40 PM
all I will say is the stupid CEO'S do the same thing expecting a different result... the smart ones learn from their mistakes change/adapt with new idea's....... MBE with these new idea's seem to be doing rather well.
Smart disciplined people will eventually work ​it out.... not if but when

Maybe its a case of what Palmer was meaning in his poem - Tis a lesson you should heed / If at first you don't succeed / Try, try again

Lets hope so eh

23-12-2014, 08:25 PM
ASX been pretty good last few days but alas MBE has dragged the chain

Consolidation around these levels for the next month or so I fear .....and then goodness knows

2015 might bring some new fandangled whizz bang technology and MBE be left in the outer again?

24-12-2014, 10:33 AM
MBE team has done it again.


this company is so undervalued atm.

24-12-2014, 01:15 PM
yep have to agree........ I will buy a few more today

I took a punt today. Not sure how this will turn out. Fingers crossed.

24-12-2014, 08:23 PM
MBE team has done it again.


this company is so undervalued atm.

Well that did wonders for the share price

Oh well, another week next week

24-12-2014, 08:28 PM
See purchase is at 0.7 times sales - for a successful profitable company

Probably cheap as

BUT also could mean those who like to use price to sales ratios of 3 or 4 or 5 for these new industry growth companies are really stretching the imagination a bit.

What's MBE price at 1 times sales?

24-12-2014, 08:58 PM
See purchase is at 0.7 times sales - for a successful profitable company

Probably cheap as

BUT also could mean those who like to use price to sales ratios of 3 or 4 or 5 for these new industry growth companies are really stretching the imagination a bit.

What's MBE price at 1 times sales?

PS ratio on a forward guidance would be about 2-2.5. Ridiculously low when you consider the multiples being paid not 10 months ago!

30-12-2014, 04:49 PM
after hitting a low of 13 cents, big sellers have gone???, price back up to 14.5-15.5 cents, with plenty on the buy side but sell side thinning out. As always timing the bottom is luck, but still good value at these levels and may be back in an uptrend.

30-12-2014, 05:09 PM
after hitting a low of 13 cents, big sellers have gone???, price back up to 14.5-15.5 cents, with plenty on the buy side but sell side thinning out. As always timing the bottom is luck, but still good value at these levels and may be back in an uptrend.

I believe perennial have finally offloaded there holding. I have bought more today as it (in sharemarket terms) looks a certainty to fly back past 20c.

Im confident there will be more news to come prior to half year financials aswell.

The worst is behind us.

30-12-2014, 05:44 PM
Looks like a near term bottom to me. Need a clear break of 15 on higher volume though. Volume, always more volume!!!

31-12-2014, 01:10 PM
up up and away.. kinda..

31-12-2014, 02:46 PM
up up and away.. kinda..

Wow, already a paper profit of 2.5K since I made my purchase 2 days ago...

31-12-2014, 05:12 PM
Yup, nice bounce today. Was always going to with the seller gone. Question.is, can it now hold?

31-12-2014, 05:17 PM
Yup, nice bounce today. Was always going to with the seller gone. Question.is, can it now hold?

Not hold, but continue to rise towards 20 or even break 20

02-01-2015, 04:15 PM
Not hold, but continue to rise towards 20 or even break 20

Is this stock for real? 18.5 already... I knew I should of brought more, god damn.

02-01-2015, 04:36 PM
Is this stock for real? 18.5 already... I knew I should of brought more, god damn.
make it 19.5c and climbing. Reality is starting to return and perennial are finally gone.

Ducks are lining up and anticipation for this year growth is now returning.

Also seems to be abit of interest returning to the sector in general. See MIG and 1PG runs recently.

02-01-2015, 04:46 PM
make it 19.5c and climbing. Reality is starting to return and perennial are finally gone.

Ducks are lining up and anticipation for this year growth is now returning.

Also seems to be abit of interest returning to the sector in general. See MIG and 1PG runs recently.

Holy snot it cracked 20. In the space of a week, it gone from 14 to 20...

Wtf is wrong with this stock..

02-01-2015, 05:30 PM
Holy snot it cracked 20. In the space of a week, it gone from 14 to 20...

Wtf is wrong with this stock..

Been watching this one for nearly two years and it's always the tale of what a large buyer/seller wants to do. First we had IOOF, who sold down recently, and now, as I stated before, it was quite undervalued at 13 cents so has shot right back up on demand! Wondering if we will see an SSH soon, but doubt it as volume has been relatively low.

Congrats to those who bought in on the downtrend and realised an undervalued asset when they saw it (I'm looking at you Snapiti) :)

02-01-2015, 06:09 PM
Thanks BFG.... I konw you would have been holding if all your eggs were not in another basket ....... dig dig dig:p
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa farken whoooooooooooooooo........I had a **** load in this stock.......... bought at 21, 18.5,15.5 and 14.... have just sold at 20cps for a huge gain...... keeped my ones I bought at 21cps

Good on ya matey ;)

I see on the charts this one is bumping up on the downtrend line. Breaking the 20 barrier on high volume is good but you also have the 100 and 200 day MA merging @ 23 cents (coincidence that latest BBR report had this as a target price?). RSI just poking above 50, MACD heading back up and DMI about to cross. Not bad, but need to see a lot more volume and better news in order to keep going higher!

03-01-2015, 09:25 AM
Well I didn't realise the asx was open yesterday, logged on to ST to see the MBE thread had a bit of action yesterday. Looks like a nice run up in the price - picking up a few at 15.5c, by no means the bottom but good value non the less. Still cheap at 20 cents though, just not as cheap as a week ago. Good work to those who topped up and saw the irrationality in the drop.

12-01-2015, 09:10 PM
Holy snot it cracked 20. In the space of a week, it gone from 14 to 20...

Wtf is wrong with this stock..

And in few days it has gone from 20 to 16

Wtf is wrong with this stock

Snaps getting keen ago to have another go at making another ****load? Bet you he is.

13-01-2015, 10:35 AM
And in few days it has gone from 20 to 16

Wtf is wrong with this stock

Snaps getting keen ago to have another go at making another ****load? Bet you he is.

Snaps is always keen. He made the mistake of telling the partner how much he's made lately.

Rule #1 of Share Trading is you DO NOT TALK ABOUT SHARE TRADING! ;)

13-01-2015, 11:08 AM
Snaps is always keen. He made the mistake of telling the partner how much he's made lately.

Rule #1 of Share Trading is you DO NOT TALK ABOUT SHARE TRADING! ;)

What was his response to Snap's income levels?

16-02-2015, 12:35 PM
Revenue 14.073 million
EBITA 1.73 million
NPAT 1.54 million

10million cash in the bank

16-02-2015, 12:47 PM
Revenue 14.073 million
EBITA 1.73 million
NPAT 1.54 million

10million cash in the bank

and all this worth 16.5 cents - the market speaketh

16-02-2015, 01:08 PM
The growth is definitely there for MBE, the only thing I can think of, is posisbly the risks people see assoicated with MBE maybe? Are people worried about big compannies such as apple, introducing apple pay and etc? I know MBE has indicated apple pay won't affect them, but just an example...

16-02-2015, 01:31 PM
the weak hands selleth .........wealth creators buyeth

So you buying around 14 then snaps

Sell at 20 like last time and zillions again eh.

No good buying and hold this ....good for trading eh

16-02-2015, 01:37 PM
The entire information technology sector ran hard over that last few years.
While it's definitely a strongly growing industry theres now a lot of firms in the space and a lot of competition which will continue to increase.

16-02-2015, 03:57 PM
Yes its looking good - expenses (3.5 million) due to expansion seem to have blown out a bit thought from what they forecasted (1.3 million). If we remove these expenses profit would be much better, as long as these are one off costs and give a return? i.e. expenses shouldn't increase at the same rate now.

Looking forward - they say they are looking at 30 million + revenue FY15, will be interesting to see if there expenses drop second HY15, if so EBITA could increase from current half 1.73 million to 4 million in HY15. Total FY15 profit approx 5 million?

FY 14 profit was 2.45 million so it will be around double at 5 million, or up 100%.

Whats others thoughts. these are quick back of the envelope calcs

16-02-2015, 04:00 PM
nearly 18% gain already huh snap

16-02-2015, 04:00 PM
Now we have accounted for those expenses we should see good profit growth as revenue increases.

16-02-2015, 04:10 PM
haha yeh that's a nice trade - up 18% so far and it continues up, interesting how the gave results - lifted halt, then traded, followed by updade re trading second half.

16-02-2015, 04:25 PM
nearly 18% gain already huh snap

Yeah nice gains Snap, well done! would of bought more too but no spare funds.
2nd half should be even better. Looks like they are starting to make some $$ in the UK so that will surely just go up with those millions of potential customers.:t_up:

16-02-2015, 05:20 PM
all of a sudden at 17.5cents now...

17-02-2015, 09:19 AM
haha yeh that's a nice trade - up 18% so far and it continues up, interesting how the gave results - lifted halt, then traded, followed by updade re trading second half.

Exactly what I was thinking.. The cynic in me says they wanted the price to drop for the the first hour - people making assessments purely on a bottom line basis, then fwabang. :cool:

19-03-2015, 12:09 PM
Leaky ship? Or upgrade? Something is up.

19-03-2015, 12:46 PM
Tipped by a newsletter

19-03-2015, 01:34 PM
MGMT been visting some brokers recently so hopefully one of the funds have decided to jump on board with a small holding as volume is pretty big the 1st hour. This stock needs some support from funds that will hold for the longterm. Eg like a 5-10% holding.

20-03-2015, 02:59 PM
Tipped by a newsletter

Which one Mark?

20-03-2015, 05:44 PM
Which one Mark?

I'm already in trouble with the particular newsletter for a comment I made on hotcopper that mentioned who they were. Even after around 5 other did before me! My comment got moderated so you won't find it. But really, these newsletters take themselves a little too seriously if they think their tips are going to make any difference in the grand scheme of things. Maybe to a few speculators but that's all

13-04-2015, 01:15 PM
another director has just purchased shares on market, however, just a small amount around 30k. Still a sign of confidence in the company though? an update should be anytime soon too...

13-04-2015, 02:54 PM
well, that moved fast... lol

14-04-2015, 11:07 AM
Ann out! If the sp does not improve! Something is seriously wrong with the market!

15-04-2015, 01:54 PM
Well have learned a lot from having skin in the game. When directors buy, def a good sign and a sign to follow the smart money. When directors sell (PEB), regardless they need it for a car or whatever, it is NEVER a good sign.

26-05-2015, 06:47 PM
snapiti - congrats on those shares bought at 15 cents huh? Good stuff!

26-05-2015, 06:55 PM
snaps has been banned ; i don't know how long for and have no idea why.

26-05-2015, 07:05 PM
thanks josh! R u in MBE urself? Finished strong! Doens't look liek a double top as it closed at 26.5 cents!!!

27-05-2015, 08:42 AM
Back to the placement price of 26c over a year ago. Some people still haven't done too well. They will be hoping there is a lot of upside yet!

30-05-2015, 08:57 AM
I've been holding through the erratic sp movements, I remember one day after an announcement it crashed on opening only to recover and finish up. I have topped up multiple times most recently at 15.5c but before that at 20c and 24c, however first parcel was at 2c. I think the erratic sp movements partially has a lot to do with people's misunderstanding off how the business works. People also need to look at the overall picture and understand the CEOs plan as just looking at one report in isolation can be confusing and the numbers can look poor ie when there was a large increase in expenses to accelerate growth. Seems fairly valued now, but plenty of growth left in this puppy. I believe it will go higher, and it is also ripe for takeover in my opinion.

30-05-2015, 08:58 AM
Forward PE prob still only around 20

09-06-2015, 12:42 PM
9 June 2015
Ms Violetta Codreanu
Senior Adviser, Listings Compliance (Sydney)
ASX Compliance Pty Ltd
Request for Trading Halt
Mobile Embrace Limited (ASX: MBE) (Mobile Embrace or the Company) hereby
requests a trading halt in its securities from the ASX effective immediately pending the
release of an announcement with respect to a material investment by the Company.
The trading halt will ensure an orderly market while allowing the Company to finalise
the terms and execution of agreements in relation to the investment.
The trading halt will last until the earlier of the commencement of trading on Thursday
11 June, 2015 or the release to the market of an announcement in relation to the
The Company is not aware of any reason as to why the trading halt should not be
granted or any further information required to be disclosed to the market regarding the
trading halt.
Yours faithfully,
Justin CLYNE
Company Secretary

09-06-2015, 01:23 PM

Looks like another smart move by management. Should see some gains on SP especially if clipp is already profitable

09-06-2015, 05:02 PM
Details still not out but this is looking like an interesting acquisition - if the reports are correct. Basically clipp allows people to pay there tabs at restaurants and bars with their application. This is slightly different product to what mbe has developed but could provide a new avenue for revenues (I guess you can see it as them going off their core strength/or diversification) positives and negatives. However you can see the potential especially in more populated countries where efrpos is to slow and people use more cash. Prob a fair bit of competition though. So let's see. Anyway I think management is very sharp so I'm sure they have made another solid acquisition.

09-06-2015, 05:39 PM
Details still not out but this is looking like an interesting acquisition - if the reports are correct. Basically clipp allows people to pay there tabs at restaurants and bars with their application. This is slightly different product to what mbe has developed but could provide a new avenue for revenues (I guess you can see it as them going off their core strength/or diversification) positives and negatives. However you can see the potential especially in more populated countries where efrpos is to slow and people use more cash. Prob a fair bit of competition though. So let's see. Anyway I think management is very sharp so I'm sure they have made another solid acquisition.

I have a friend that uses this app in Sydney . Has a lot of entertainment expenses per month and reckons this is a good thing . So hopefully everybody finds it as useful.

09-06-2015, 06:07 PM
Not too much competition on this side of the world I would think, as opposed to ApplePay / Google Wallet / CurrentC in the states (CurrentC being another mobile-app payment system that Walmart and other retailers adopted without much success - see http://www.forbes.com/sites/lauraheller/2014/10/28/apple-vs-walmart-mobile-payments-reveal-a-clash-of-titans/ ).

Paywave seems to be a lot more readily available in Aus now than I remember it - I had always thought of NZ being more eftpos-friendly than Aus but I went to Melbourne again in May and most stores seemed to accept/promote PayWave.

I think NFC/mobile payments will take off eventually however and is a growing industry imo. Moving towards you only needing to take your phone with you when you go out - think of the reason you carry your wallet - eftpos/cash cards, coupon/reward cards, ID (drivers license) - when those 3 functions are all provided by your phone, the traditional wallet will be done away with. Personally I can't wait get rid of the old leather sandwich in the back pocket, filling up with coins etc.
Lonnnnng term I see the drivers licenses being electronically handled.. police/doormen at bars/supermarkets will be able to scan your phone (potentially with fingerprint-scanner authorisation to prevent fake ID's?) and confirm you are who you say you are which will speed everything up. And lonnnnnnger term even still there will be no individual currencies - the world will share one super-currency (I like to think of it as galactic space credits) and payments will be done by touching phones/personal electronic devices together. I have no knowledge of macro/economics so no idea if this would ever be feasible or likely.

Discl, not holding and haven't been following MBE - just eagerly looking forward to the future :)

09-06-2015, 06:22 PM
Clip ......they buying you out?

09-06-2015, 06:29 PM
Hahaha nah.. just subtly ramping DCC ;) I find the mobile payments industry/movement of transferring current services (such as loyalty cards, payments, ID etc) to electronic formats very interesting since I watched a TV show a long time ago about bounty hunters in the future.. they have electronic cards which hold the aforementioned credits.. when they catch a crook they simply touch the card to the person offering the bounty and swipe over x credits.. that imo is the future

04-08-2015, 05:10 PM
Good announcement and result today , looks like this continues to deliver steadily.......

04-08-2015, 06:24 PM
Very nice result! Its good to see international traction occurring and rollout into UK coming next year (currently testing the market).

29-09-2015, 01:35 PM
Sounds good.


29-09-2015, 01:48 PM
Sounds good.


Yeh, not huge though, wont do much for SP. I sold out of MBE a few month back while it was a little higher. Waiting for results or lower price. To me there does not seem to be much to push sp up for the next few months. If it breaks 20 with market turmoil it could drop to around 15c.

13-10-2015, 01:07 PM
Quarterly out http://www.asx.com.au/asxpdf/20151013/pdf/4320sjgkksnwll.pdf, very solid growth on the horizon, finally we might get some decent EPS growth come FY16. I bought a few again the other day when it dropped back after the ann that they were getting taken to court re $4 million contract -- which is worrying. Picked up a few more after quarterly ann this morning too.

27-10-2015, 06:33 PM
Bought a few more yesterday, uptrend forming. Hopefully it gets out of this 20-25c range and moves higher. I still think investors are wary, however Im confident there will be a decent increase in EPS and share price increase.

03-11-2015, 10:02 AM

Talking to myself on this one. Last two announcements are promising. MBE could have some great returns over the next 2-3 years as long as expenses don't follow revenue growth in a step wise fashion. up 25% since I bought back in, Im still very wary of the markets but I'm focusing on a few individual companies and following the closely - this one included.. Have had good results since markets rebounded. Would like someone to join me!

03-11-2015, 10:42 AM

Talking to myself on this one. Last two announcements are promising. MBE could have some great returns over the next 2-3 years as long as expenses don't follow revenue growth in a step wise fashion. up 25% since I bought back in, Im still very wary of the markets but I'm focusing on a few individual companies and following the closely - this one included.. Have had good results since markets rebounded. Would like someone to join me!

I'm still in , long term believer in this being a $ 1.00 stock .

03-11-2015, 12:16 PM
I'm still in , long term believer in this being a $ 1.00 stock .

I'm in long term too. Back to my average buy in price from March 2014. Not many tech stocks that I hold are anywhere near their March 2014 price so happy to be sitting on this one for now.