Quote Originally Posted by Jonboyz View Post
Is sharesight membership tax-deductible? Their website makes the comment below. So, if I get dividends from some of my shares, then I am deriving an income and can therefore claim the membership as an expense?

"5. Save money and claim your subscription
Claim next year’s membership fee on this year’s tax return by upgrading to to a paid plan before EOFY. And as a bonus, when you pre-pay for an annual subscription, you get 1 month FREE!

If you derive income from the sharemarket, your Sharesight subscription may be tax deductible. Check with your accountant for details." SOURCE: https://www.sharesight.com/blog/eofy/
Generally any expense that you have that is used to derive income is deductible. Therefore in most cases sharesight would be. Either if you are a trader or an investor. But like they say, go see an accountant.