Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
For those that think these ACT politicians policy to repeal the current gun laws is harmless, I would urge you to consider that our Police Force who are having to face increasingly dangerous situations, not only fully support the current Arms Legislation & want a gun register, but say it was long overdue.

if anyone thinks at the tender age of 38, David Seymour living in a bubble representing one of NZ's wealthiest & least violent suburbs is a better judge of the situation & knows more than the experienced Police Commissioner & Police men & women on the front line, then please reconsider.

Both cars and drivers need to be registered or licensed, & so should weapons and owners.

Who would it help if we do not know how many weapons we have in NZ & what sort of weapons & the number a particular individual or individuals associated with group or gang hold?
If both guns & owners have to be licensed, ultimately it will be harder for them to get into the wrong hands & easier to track them down if they do. (not just my opinion but the Police's).

If ACT were to repeal the current laws, it will put our police in greater danger.
Think about it, the Police support these laws, as does 70% of NZ's population, this is not something ACT should be saying they know better.
Their spurious claim they can make safer gun laws without a gun register is idealistic nonsense & not based on real life experience.
What makes you think there won't be a gun register?