  1. #11831
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panda-NZ- View Post
    Well, that make it a stronger promise than the GST debacle.
    ‘Minister Phil Twyford has met Fletcher Building's residential and land development chief executive Steve Evans, representatives of Mike Greer Homes and Mark Todd of Ockam Residential who he said were "absolutely bursting to be part of this work. Fletchers are keen to do more housing. They've done a lot of work on panelisation."

    "We're going to do large-scale urban renewal projects around rail corridors at Avondale, New Lynn and Panmure, around town centres, taking advantage of the rail and roading network.

    "We're going to be as ambitious as possible. There is a $2b cash injection for KiwiBuild over 10 years and we will recycle that money over and over," he said of the state buying the properties, then on-selling to first-home buyers.

    "It's not going to happen in the first week. We've always said we'll step it up over three years to hit the 10,000-a-year target. There's a bunch of projects already under way and we'll make sure there's more affordable places there, at Northcote, Mt Roskill and Hobsonville Point."

    "We're going to legislate the new urban development agency and that will have various powers and it will hold all the Government's urban land holdings and that will give it a massive balance sheet. It will have a mandate to develop projects specifically like the [former] Hobsonville Land Company."

    Half KiwiBuilds will be in Auckland "and the rest will be in places where the housing crisis is most acute. Queenstown which is really in need for urgent intervention. Queenstown is a special case, which needs a particular kind of approach and the Queenstown Lakes District Council has done some great work but it needs the Government to give it a hand. Regions like the Waikato and Bay of Plenty and in Hamilton and Tauranga are under real pressure.

    "There will be other areas. We have not done precise modelling in each individual place in New Zealand but the focus will be on Auckland in the short term because that's where the shortage is most acute."

    "Part of the concept of KiwiBuild is that work will be tendered to companies that can scale up and build thousands of homes a year, instead of dozens. Fletcher and Mike Greer are the two most obvious. We've had extensive conservations with GJs [Gardner] and lots of others too. So we're wanting to tender work to companies that can drive down the build cost due to economies of scale, off-site manufacturing and panellised construction."

    Twyford praised PrefabNZ's chief executive Pamela Bell as "a star, an absolute hero" who he said had led extensive progress in this sector "and that area is brimming with people who have great talent".

    KiwiBuild quality would be kept high because "you just have to set standards. The learnings from off-site manufacturing around the world is that you can deliver far better quality," he said, citing Mike Greer's $14m Concision joint venture factory with Spanbuild, using computer technology at Rolleston south of Christchurch, where German components were making panellised home components.

    "We need half a dozen other firms that can scale up and then we get a much more competitive building industry. We're going to drive down cost through bulk procurement and accessing suppliers and materials and by giving multiple contracts that enables [companies] to invest in off-site manufacturing and the big objective is to build more competitive, innovative and productively."

    Asked if state or taxpayer funds was being risked through buying off the plans, Twyford said "when you're buying land, you always have the land. There's a huge need for affordable homes, only 5 per cent of new builds have been affordable."’
    Last edited by Logen Ninefingers; 20-07-2023 at 11:18 AM.

  2. #11832
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Dopey asset-owning ‘swing’ voters vote Labour / Chipkins at this election at their peril. Note he doesn’t say that a wealth tax / CGT won’t be clapped on in the next term under LABGREETEPATI, just that these taxes won’t be clapped on ‘under a government he leads’.

    Meanwhile the ideologue Robbo says the taxes aren’t right to be clapped on ‘under the current economic conditions’.

    So if Chipkins stands aside or is rolled, expect these taxes to be imposed shortly thereafter.

    Im kind of curious, whats your stand on the fact that out of 35 OECD countries, NZ is the ONLY one without a CGT & something like 54% of NZ'ers support one?

    Doesn't that say anything to you ?

    Australians have been taxed on their Capital Gains on things like property & shares since 1985.
    In Britain since 1965.

  3. #11833
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Skies View Post
    Im kind of curious, whats your stand on the fact that out of 35 OECD countries, NZ is the ONLY one without a CGT & something like 54% of NZ'ers support one?

    Doesn't that say anything to you ?

    Australians have been taxed on their Capital Gains on things like property & shares since 1985.
    In Britain since 1965.
    Has the Aussie CGT reduced their house prices?

    Other than that, the time to introduce a CGT was from about the time prices started to surge under Helen Clark onwards.
    Now with people in negative equity & struggling to pay their mortgages it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Stand by for a ‘surprise’ increase in inflation next month which will exacerbate these issues.
    Ideologues such as yourself witness Robbo blowing his budget and crave fresh sources of revenue for him to burn through, but there is no longer a pot of gold at the end of that particular rainbow.

    Labour have proved that spending billions and billions and billions extra does not produce better outcomes for New Zealanders, just monumental waste. They had two terms to prove that spending money like water would deliver a ‘Let’s do this!’ utopia and they’ve utterly failed. Those on the Left can cling to their delusions (“if only we could tax people harder, everything would be great”) but the rest of us can see the fallacy of this line of thinking for ourselves.

  4. #11834
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonu View Post
    Labour has lost approx 40% of its support from election day 2020. People tend to forget Ardern/Labour was toast prior Covid. They were set to be a one term government. Ardern used Covid to rule by a mix of carrot and stick with a healthy dose of division.
    She and Robertson showered our money around like confetti while

    -imposing draconian human rights abuses on the population,

    -established a "pulpit of truth", the government as the one source of truth,

    - bribed news media to the tune of 105 million in an election year

    -created an underclass of NZ citizens for the sin of maintaining bodily autonomy by rejecting a "vaccine" that didn't do what was promised.

    Ardern then went on to establish the "Misinformation Project" (essentially a Ministry of Propaganda), run by Kate Hannah, a woman who descibes herself as a feminist Marxist who engages emotionally with her work.

    And who was there right alongside Robertson and Ardern through all that? A fellow called Chris Hipkins.

    As if all that isn't enough to be shod, it's now also clear that a vote for Labour is a vote for the Greens and Maori parties.

    They are unelectable. And they deserve it. That's also the only reason Hipkins is safe until the election. No one will want that hospital pass.
    Ohhhh Reds under the beds!
    Watch out for the black helicopters above as you can't hear them in whisper mode you know.

    What a surprise that you don't like an intelligent strong woman who wants to combat misinformation, something you live in breath.

    They may well be unelectable but not for the nonsense you spin.

  5. #11835
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
    Ohhhh Reds under the beds!
    Watch out for the black helicopters above as you can't hear them in whisper mode you know.

    What a surprise that you don't like an intelligent strong woman who wants to combat misinformation, something you live in breath.

    They may well be unelectable but not for the nonsense you spin.
    The non-aligned ‘swing voter’ quickly jumps up to defend a ‘marxist’, calling her a ‘strong woman’.
    Datyr, you are as Left wing as it gets. The idea of you ever voting for NACT (your term, not mine) is simply not credible. You should have been more forthcoming and accurate about your true political leanings, but your posts are speaking volumes.

  6. #11836
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    Has the Aussie CGT reduced their house prices?

    Other than that, the time to introduce a CGT was from about the time prices started to surge under Helen Clark onwards.
    Now with people in negative equity & struggling to pay their mortgages it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Stand by for a ‘surprise’ increase in inflation next month which will exacerbate these issues.
    Ideologues such as yourself witness Robbo blowing his budget and crave fresh sources of revenue for him to burn through, but there is no longer a pot of gold at the end of that particular rainbow.

    Labour have proved that spending billions and billions and billions extra does not produce better outcomes for New Zealanders, just monumental waste. They had two terms to prove that spending money like water would deliver a ‘Let’s do this!’ utopia and they’ve utterly failed. Those on the Left can cling to their delusions (“if only we could tax people harder, everything would be great”) but the rest of us can see the fallacy of this line of thinking for ourselves.
    I think never too late to consider implementing CGT:

    The issue isn't that houses don't come down in price but rather, it's maintaining affordability. As you can see in the chart, there's gradual house price rises, and there's stupid insane house price rises (NZ).

  7. #11837
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBQ View Post
    I think never too late to consider implementing CGT:

    The issue isn't that houses don't come down in price but rather, it's maintaining affordability. As you can see in the chart, there's gradual house price rises, and there's stupid insane house price rises (NZ).
    I see the black line falling at the end of your graph there. So that means there are people who bought into the ponzi in its late stages who are now in negative equity. Where will the black line go next? If you believe in TA, you’ll tell me the line could go up, or it could go down. If you are Nostradamus, you might be able to tell to me where it goes next. But you aren’t Nostradamus.

    I don’t need to be Nostradamus to know that fuel prices have increased by 29 cents in government taxes since 1 July. I don’t need to be Nostradamus to know that oil prices have increased by 13% since 1 July. I don’t need to be Nostradamus to know that the public transport subsidy ended on 1 July for everyone except children. I don’t need to be Nostradamus to know that council rates are going up this quarter. I don’t need to be Nostradamus to know we have to import a lot of fruit and vegetables during the winter months. What will all this mean for inflation? You don’t have to be Nostradamus to work it out, although bank economists will still invariably be ‘surprised’. Will the Reserve Bank then increase the OCR in response? Don’t rule it out. Not good for house prices.

  8. #11838
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    Auckland shooting: Three dead, five injured - police to provide update

    Downtown Auckland remains closed in the aftermath of the shooting which left three dead, including the gunman.

    Police are due to give an update at 1pm on this morning’s deadly shooting in which at least five others, including a police officer, were injured.

    The police officer was taken to hospital in a critical condition but his condition has since stabilised.

    Five people were taken to Auckland Hospital - one in a serious condition, the others in moderate conditions. One other person was taken to Middlemore in a serious condition.

    Two others, one in moderate condition and one with minor injuries were being treated at the scene.

    The Herald understands the gunman responsible, Matu Tangi Matua Reid, was serving a community-based sentence of home detention at the time of the shooting and was subject to electronic monitoring via an ankle bracelet tracker.

    WTF - Didn't Clueless Cindy put something in place after CHCH on firearms so this wouldn't happen again ?

    Another of the good little boys that Comrade Kelvin thinks should be out on the loose this time ?
    Last edited by nztx; 20-07-2023 at 01:43 PM.

  9. #11839
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    Median house price in world class melbourne .. 1m

    Median in gridlocked Auckland with high poverty rates and social misfits.. $1.3m

    Brought to you by the Aussie banking sector
    Last edited by Panda-NZ-; 20-07-2023 at 01:42 PM.

  10. #11840
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Panda-NZ- View Post
    Median house price in world class melbourne .. 1m

    Median in gridlocked Auckland with high poverty rates and social misfits.. $1.3m

    Brought to you by the Aussie banking sector

    but nowhere near the value of your mouse hole ?


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