  1. #13051
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Logen Ninefingers View Post
    No prisons by 2040. The Te Pati Maori plan is to do ‘tikanga’ justice. Under the new system a murderer could be back on the streets hunting for fresh victims before you can say Bob’s your aunties live-in lover.

    Nothing scary about LABGREETEPATI aye folks…..(?)


    ‘Te Pāti Māori is challenging Labour to abolish prisons by 2040 and introduce a tikanga-based justice system to address the purported enormous inequities facing this country’s ‘indigenous’ peoples.

    Co-leader Rawiri Waititi launched what he called a “revolutionary plan to reform the justice system in Aotearoa” that would tackle the purported institutional racism that has purportedly “traumatised and failed Māori communities at every level”.

    Under Labour the incarceration rate has dropped dramatically, peaking in 2018 at 213 people per 100,000 and close to the highest rate in the OECD to now 149 per 100,000. It is part of an overall goal to reduce the prison population 30 per cent on 2017 levels by 2033.

    The Government has also introduced a range of measures to reduce purported inequity between Māori and non-Māori, including the five-year strategy Hōkai Rangi.

    However, while for Māori the incarceration rate has dropped as well, Māori are still imprisoned at over seven times the rate of non-Māori.

    Waititi said reforming the justice system was purportedly about upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

    “We are asserting our tino rangatiratanga to oversee our own tikanga-based models of restorative justice.”

    The justice policy includes establishing a Māori Justice Authority, creating a parallel Māori justice system based on tikanga and self-governance, and laying a pathway to abolish prisons in Aotearoa by 2040.’
    Hard to believe this. Fortunately even if a labour coalition got voted in they’ve ruled this out.

  2. #13052
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    Hard to believe this. Fortunately even if a labour coalition got voted in they’ve ruled this out.
    Nothing fortunate for anyone should that scenario materialize.

  3. #13053
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    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by ynot View Post
    Nothing fortunate for anyone should that scenario materialize.
    The stats in that article are truly alarming, but the proposed responses to it by the Maori party are beyond belief. Basically, they're saying just let the crims out of jail, or don't put them in jail in the first place, then get rid of the jails altogether! WTF, of which most of them (as a %) are Maori.

    No wonder people, normal good Kiwi's are upset and concerned, with criminal stats like these, the conclusions of who's behind it are unavoidable, yet the Maori party reckon they are special and above the law?

    I think we do in fact have apartheid in New Zealand, I never thought I would ever see it, but there it is, in your face Maori versus everyone else. I don't think this Maori party speaks for all Maori, my experience is quite the opposite. They seem to be far right Maori radicals, not actually speaking for all Maori, even detracting from them.

  4. #13054
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baa_Baa View Post
    Hard to believe this. Fortunately even if a labour coalition got voted in they’ve ruled this out.
    How can Labour rule it out if Te Pati Maori rule it in? The CTU want their parliamentary political wing running the country, I think they’d agree to anything to stay in power.

  5. #13055
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    Feb 2020


    I wonder if Debbie Packer & Rawiri would like to live in the same street as one of their restorative justice scholars..

    Or would only working class maori have to be subjected to that.
    Last edited by Panda-NZ-; 09-09-2023 at 09:53 PM.

  6. #13056
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panda-NZ- View Post
    I wonder if Debbie Packer & Rawiri would like to live in the same street as one of their restorative justice scholars..

    Or would only working class maori have to be subjected to that.
    One of the main reasons why people will be voting for the centre-right rather than Labour is because a vote for Labour is a vote to bring the dangerous radicals in Te Pati Maori into the government, which must be stopped at all costs.

    Your personal messiah Chipkins was revealed as a dirty liar when he said that Te Pati Maori are still the same party of Turia and Sharples, and that all that has changed is that National has become ‘hostile’ towards them. The policies of this Te Pati Maori outfit are diametrically different to the moderate ‘Maori Party’ of Turia and Sharples. Chipkins would do a deal with the Devil himself if it meant he could be allowed to continue to rule this country on behalf of the CTU, and many people can see this in the way he has conducted this campaign. IMO, he is a thoroughly nasty piece of work with totalitarian instincts.

  7. #13057
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    More wasteful and quite bizarre spending from Labour. Labour do not give a stuff about the vast majority of people in this country, they only care about ‘scorched earthed’ politics & forcing their opponents to swallow dead rats. They have proven themselves to be dangerous marxist wreckers.


    ‘In one of the clearest displays of optimism (gross stupidity), ‘Auckland Light Rail’ has contracted to buy the prominent Kiwi Bacon Building for $33 million, even though National has promised to scrap plans if elected next month.‘

  8. #13058
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    Remember the Labourite howling about Nationals ‘pledge card’? Well now the quite pathetic and juvenile Chipkins has launched one of his own….

    ‘Labour leader Chris Hipkins has started a “pledge card” battle with National, unveiling his party’s own list of priorities he will achieve in his first term if he is elected Prime Minister.

    It comes after National did the same just over a week ago during its campaign launch with eight key priorities - Hipkins unveiled nine, all policies that have already been announced, while also pointing out it was actually Labour that originally came up with the “pledge card” concept.’

  9. #13059
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    Well at least it isn't vague like "We will bring down inflation"....

    They seem to be actual pledges instead of "we'll keep Labour's winter energy payment because otherwise we'll lose too many votes".
    Last edited by Panda-NZ-; 10-09-2023 at 03:00 PM.

  10. #13060
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Panda-NZ- View Post
    Well at least it isn't vague like "We will bring down inflation"....

    And are actual pledges instead of "we'll keep Labour's winter energy payment because otherwise we'll lose too many votes".
    I’m not going to get into a pitiful tit-for-tat debate with you on the merits of ‘whose pledge card is better’. You seem to have a whingeing ‘poor Labour never done nuffing wrong’ mentality of late, as if you just can’t accept the reasons for Labours dwindling support. It’s got nothing to do with tax cuts and everything to do with the fact that the majority no longer trust your beloved Labour Party.


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