Quote Originally Posted by Daytr View Post
Awww thats so cute, ridiculous but cute.
I'm sure Balance is enjoying the adoration as he's obviously into that sort of thing.
And like a good little soldier you are ready to pucker up on demand.

Water of a duck's back buddy, as when he continuously repeats the same insults, woke this, left that etc, it just loses all effect, as it's not intelligent or quick wit.
It's lazy slagging off people that have different views.
It's just tedious.

But each to their own. It's just interesting what some people enjoy. It's very rare to see any of the posters from the left on here call the righties any extreme terms, they could but they don't tend to. However there is a constant barrage of that from the right.
Yeah, I can tell this doesn't faze you at all.