Quote Originally Posted by duncan macgregor View Post
SNOOPY, It is to late for Norgate to sell out. NZS is a poor investment for the shareholders who understand the low return in farming. PGW should come out of it alright with a big increase in export sales at the expence of the mug city share holders who will get burned by holding NZS. Norgate expanded to quick taking on to much debt when times were good, now he has to pay the piper. I will tell you one more time farming has a return of about four or five pc on capital plus a capital gain. To borrow money expecting a high return paying a manager is a fools investment. Take a closer look at the NZ companies records going overseas thinking they know it all then think again. Macdunk
It looks like the pigeons are coming home to roost. Another NZ company getting their fingers burned in Australia. PGW now selling up in Aussie but keeping its seed business going. Will they abandon NZS now that dairy farming is in the doldrums?. Your Opinion Snoopy would be rather interesting. Macdunk