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  1. #11
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    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by elZorro View Post
    Hi XYNZ, oops, very poor maths on my part
    No worries Big Z, it's the kind of mistake that anyone could make.

    You're right, there's no way to tell what's really going on, without some detailed explanations. IMHO, Due Diligence demands that we get those explanations, before we invest our $$$$.

  2. #12
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Angry Wtf

    Quote Originally Posted by xynz View Post
    JBmurc has the following information in his/her sig:

    He seems alarmed by the fact that, since 1976, the US debt has ballooned by over $12 trillion dollars. It makes him very concerned about something called the "Obama deception".

    Why wasn't JBMurc concerned when the Republicans Ronald Reagan, George H W Bush and George W Bush were running up $9 Trillion of that $12 Trillion debt?

    When he was President, Ronald Reagan Presided over a near quadrupling of US debt.

    Under the Clinton Administration, things were finally turning around. Budget surpluses were reducing the debt.

    George W Bush inherited those surpluses from Clinton. But Bush turned those surpluses into record breaking deficits and then nearly doubled the national debt. Bush and his "free market! deregulate everything!" cronies also ushered in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

    Now Obama has to clean up the mess left by Bush and Greenspan. The US economy was on the verge of another Great Depression collapse and according to Ben Bernanke, the only way to prevent it was to increase deficit spending.

    After $9 Trillion of Republican debts and George W Bush's outgoing deficit of nearly $1 Trillion....JBMurc only finds his outrage AFTER Barack Obama becomes President.

    Yes I am concerned of the current increase of debt in the US?

    ... when did I state that I only found it an outrage AFTER Obama an not before ?????????????????????????

    -Did you even watch the below links an let you narrow view open..!
    Last edited by JBmurc; 09-04-2010 at 12:06 PM.
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBmurc View Post
    Yes I am concerned of the current increase of debt in the US?

    ... when did I state that I only found it an outrage AFTER Obama an not before ?????????????????????????

    -Did you even watch the below links an let you narrow view open..!

    Obama Deception: a Film by Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones.

    Alex Jones believes that 911 was an inside job.

    Even the nutjobs at freerepublic think Alex Jones is a wacko. When even freepers think you're too far out on the right for them, then you are so far out there, you're about to fall off the planet.

    "Alex ... Jones is your classic paranoid, Texan conspiracy nut. One of his big claims is that world leaders sacrifice children as part of an annual ritual at Bohemian Grove."

    Alex Jones: "This is like something out of a Hollywood movie, where teenagers are out camping in the wilderness and come over a hill and witness some devil cult in black and red garb sacrificing some poor soul on a bloody altar."

  4. #14
    FEAR n GREED JBmurc's Avatar
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    Now Obama has to clean up the mess left by Bush and Greenspan. The US economy was on the verge of another Great Depression collapse and according to Ben Bernanke, the only way to prevent it was to increase deficit spending.

    After $9 Trillion of Republican debts and George W Bush's outgoing deficit of nearly $1 Trillion....JBMurc only finds his outrage AFTER Barack Obama becomes President

    LOL you attack me on a false presumption(Obama debt view) then start a new attack on me on -Alex jones- like I created the clip -Your one very narrow minded poster with an even narrower attack stance--I'm all for free media, free thoughts, an historical fact media -you seem to be all about attacking me on no facts & false presumptions what a winner!

    P.S if you want to keep attacking my views plse man up an PM me or least take it to my off-discussion thread -Rothschilds,NWO etc
    an keep the OGC thread clear
    Last edited by JBmurc; 09-04-2010 at 03:27 PM.
    "With a good perspective on history, we can have a better understanding of the past and present, and thus a clear vision of the future." — Carlos Slim Helu

  5. #15
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    Not too sure how this got onto American Politics but I'm more interested in NZ gold.

    More to the point as the POG now goes through US$1150 where OGC is valued in the next 6 months.

    I figure one of the reasons for the SP collapse at end of 2008 was the mothballing of Didiopio. One thinks that in the next 3 years this project will be back on the agenda with a corresponding OGC revaluation.

  6. #16
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    MM: yes, that was amusing though.. Re increasing cost of gold recovered: OGC does an intermediate processing of the ore at Reefton so they can transport concentrated aggregate via train and then truck to Macraes for final processing.

    OGC was just granted/extended a mining permit near the Progress mine, one of the four opencast pits they run at Reefton. I have not done my homework on OGC, but I've come to the swift conclusion that going back a year or so, it would have been time well spent. It probably still is.

  7. #17
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    perhaps they intentionally increased cost per tonne? hehe
    Up up and away!

  8. #18
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    Default Would you trust these analysts?

    Have a look at this analysis of OGC a year or so ago:

    These "experts" saw no reason to buy OGC at that point. Of course a whole lot of people did climb in soon after, just not me..

    At that point gold was only US$770 an ounce, so most of OGC's gold was at best, marginal to sell. Since then they've found another 10% of reserves, now have nearly 10Moz available, unhedged. If you assume that the POG will continue to be at about $1150/oz, or even rise (more likely), what valuation does this give OGC, forgetting Didipio for now?

    If OGC could make US$350 clear/oz, say $500NZ/oz, that's $5 Billion of net profit sitting in the ground. That would value each share at nearly NZ$27.00 just by itself.

    Now someone needs to tell me where my maths is wrong, it's all too easy.

    New press release just out...more gold at Reefton.
    Last edited by elZorro; 12-04-2010 at 11:55 AM.

  9. #19
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    Thanks elZorro. The good news just keeps coming and I appreciate your brief financial analysis too. $27 sp would be amazing and I think would need expansion overseas to justify but you never know... NZR used to be $60 ish before a rerating and likewise RYM approx. $12 before share split.

    Slighty ahead of myself talking share splits but let the good news roll... Certainly beats HGD's lack of news and progress.

  10. #20
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    Even in my dreams I don't see $27. (Do they have 10M oz?) If the company can confirm in the next quarterly that they have controlled operating costs then I can see $3.50 in the near term..
    Didipio will add production of 200k of gold equiv ounces. That could make the share price fly if they can fund it.

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