I e-mailed Harmoney regarding retail loan volumes last month. Below is my e-mail, and their response..

Good afternoon,

Looking at the marketplace statistics page on the website, it looks as though the percentage of money being diverted to Institutional investors is now as high as 80% of all money lent through Harmoney.

I'm a big fan of Harmoney, and wish to increase my portfolio of loans over 2019 and beyond. However, I'm finding it incredibly difficult to invest in new loans, and no doubt this is the same story for other retail investors.

I was wondering if you could provide an update, or guidance of when retail investors can expect to see an increased number of loans on the retail marketplace?

Kind regards,

Hi alundracloud,

Thank you for your email.

Yes, the current allocation is set to ~80% Wholesale and ~20% Retail, however, these percentages are monitored by the Exec Team and changed depending on the overall volume received as well as monthly targets.

The percentage allocation for Retail was around the same for January, however, we had higher volumes in January (~$35m overall). This would be why there would be a noticeable drop in the number of investment opportunities for the month of February as our overall volume for Feb was around $30m.

We tend to see the overall volume increase in March, historically, and do hope to see more investment opportunities available to Retail. This can come about with more volume or a higher percentage allocation. Our Marketing team is working to have the volume increased as much as possible.

To help in deploying your funds, please try checking the Marketplace between 9-11 AM and then again between 2-4 PM. We see favorable volumes of loans during those times.

Hope this helps and have a great weekend.
Read into it what you will, but I struggled to take anything positive from the response.