Quote Originally Posted by Beagle View Post
Just a thought, I can't help wondering after such a great year and at the start of a new decade whether its time to ask, is there some new worthy cause I can support to make a difference for the better ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY5xjlTZuJw Enjoy and perhaps if you're feeling as well fed and fat from abudence as those wood pigeons I posted a link for earlier, maybe give it some thought...

If you're bereft of idea's what about this one as a starter for thought, let a child choose you as their sponsor https://www.worldvision.org.nz/?utm_...ELXA&gclsrc=ds $50 a month less tax credit is just $33.50 a month net, to make a difference.
Speaking of which I've always had 3 World Vsion children at any one time for the last 25 odd years(Not the same ones so not sure how many different ones over that time) and feel prouder about that than material gains. PS-Ive left a large slice of my worldly gains to the SPCA as well as World Vision as I detest animal cruelty with a passion.